Page 169 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 169
ormed choice is easy with “Veš, kaj ješ?” mobile application uporaba ikt na področju zdravja | use of information and communication technologies
Anja Bolha, Nika Kremić
Slovene Consumers‘​Association, Tržaška cesta 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mobile application “Veš, kaj ješ?” supports informed choice, by colour coding
nutritional composition of pre-packaged foods available on Slovenian market.
“Veš, kaj ješ?” was developed as a collaboration between Jožef Stefan Institute,
Nutrition Institute and Slovene Consumer’s Association, as a part of project
Declaration=Information, and is supported by Ministry of Health RS. It helps
consumers making the healthy choice the easiest choice, and also encourages
producers to reformulate existing food products into changing their composi-
tion. As our previous research has shown, consumers use food composition
data more often if they are presented in a simpler and more understandable
way. In this applic ation nutritional data is coloured with traffic light colours,
simply presenting nutritional values for sugars, salt, fat and saturated fatty acids
in red, orange or green, depending on the amount in 100 grams (millilitres) of
product. Information is accessible by simply scanning the barcode on the prod-
uct at the point of sale or at home. The database model is in line with global
standards, facilitating the exchange of data. There are more than 37.500 foods
already in the database, but tens of thousands are available on the market, and
our aim is to include as many as possible. The most important activity is adding
to the database and updating the composition information. Food products are
being constantly added by nutrition experts, we also expect active involvement
of companies (manufacturers, distributors), but the most important is user’s
contribution. If the desired product is not already in the database, the user can
send a proposal to include food in the database. Application has a special food
photography tool (key data capture) that is connected to information centre
where data is processed and entered into the database. If the displayed infor-
mation is incorrect, users can also let us know via a special feature in the app.
“Veš, kaj ješ?” is free and available for Android or IOS users, there are already
more than 33.000 active downloads since the launch in 2019. Database as well
as the application are being constantly upgraded and some new features and
updated information are expected soon, as a result of an ongoing programme,
supported by Ministry of health.
Key words: mobile application, “Veš, kaj ješ?”, healthy choices, declaration,
dietary traffic light

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