Page 81 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 81
wledge about wine as a factor of safe use of wine among young ohranjanje in krepitev zdravja | maintaining and promoting health
Jurij Gunzek
Šolski center Šentjur, Cesta na kmetijsko šolo 3230 ,9 Šentjur, Slovenia
Slovenia is a wine-growing country with a long tradition. Wine is an important
product in the marketing and tourism segment. Slovenia is known as a wine and
tourist destination in Europe and in the world. In professional literature there
is listed over 1300 different ingredients in grapes, musts and wine. In this pa-
per we will present findings that were obtained by interviewing a younger pop-
ulation (18 to 25 years old) regarding knowledge about wine. We interviewed
a 100 young people from Celje, Ljubljana, Maribor and Dolenjska region. The
young people that we interviewed we asked about knowing different vine vari-
eties. Only 25% of the respondents wrote down the names of 5 or more noble
vine varieties. Knowledge about ingredients in the wine is according to the re-
spondents poor. The majority (71%) believes that wine contains only up to 100
different ingredients. Poor knowledge about the ingredients in the wine was
confirmed by the question where we wanted the respondents to write down
the names of three, five or ten ingredients in the wine. Majority of the answers
we received in the first group. 64% of respondents stated that they knew that
wine is containing water, alcohol and sugar. Only 5% respondents wrote 10 or
more ingredients. We were also interested in whether are familiar with the
classification of wines into different quality classes. Only 37% of respondents
answered that quality wines were categorized as country, quality or premium.
Others used terms such as: higher, lower, quality, better, worse, more expen-
sive, cheaper, first-class, ... or left empty space. We also asked the respondents
about their choice regarding the sweet taste of the wine. Most of them would
prefer semi-sweet wine, followed by sweet, semi-dry and dry wine. When we
asked about the choices regarding the color of the wine, the answers were al-
most evenly split, with a few more respondents preferring white wine rath-
er than red wine. From the answers we found out that the knowledge about
wine is among young people poor. Most of the respondents wrote that there is
enough information about wine and they get it on web. A quarter of respond-
ents are upgrading their knowledge about wine with attending events related
to wine promotion.
Key words: knowledge about wine, young population , ingredients in wine

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