Page 43 - Petelin, Ana, ur. 2021. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 43
ited lecture gibanje in zdravje starejših odraslih | physical activity and health of the elderly
Improving the health of the older adults: current trends
and challenges related to assessment approaches
and interventions
Nejc Šarabon
University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Izola, Slovenia
With continuous ageing of the world’s populations, it is important to investi-
gate methods which may facilitate the physical ability and functional capacity of
an older individual. Despite the large body of research on the health of the old-
er adults, several unanswered questions remain. Individually-tailored interven-
tions aimed at improving the health of the older adults must be underpinned by
valid, reliable and sensitive assessment of physical function. Strength and pow-
er, stability and balance, as well as mobility and quality of movement, are the
major pillars that should be considered within assessment of older adults. Sev-
eral field-based tests (such as timed-up-and-go test and functional reach test)
and batteries of tests (such as Senior Fitness test battery) have been suggested
to be used for evaluating older adults. While these test are simple to use and
reliable, advanced tests have the potential to contribute towards a more com-
prehensive evaluation, and thereby to the optimization of interventions. This
paper will discuss current challenges related to the assessment of physical abili-
ty and function of the older adults. We will discuss novel approaches to assess-
ment of muscle strength and rapid force development, quiet stance balance, as
well as postural responses to perturbations. We will also discuss the impor-
tance of monitoring physical activity habits in older adults. Findings from our
recent research will be presented, ranging from comprehensive literature re-
views on diagnostic tests to predict risk of falls in older adults, to the impor-
tance of considering factors such as gender and task difficulty. In the final part
of the presentation, we will cover the current state-of-the art interventions
targeted at improving the health of the older adults. In addition to discussing
the potential of exercise, electrical stimulation, vibration training and other ef-
fective tools, we will also stress the opportunity to improve the health of sen-
iors by promoting regular physical activity and enhancing social integration, as
well as opportunities for changes on the level of national healthcare policies.
Keywords: physical activity; habits; methodology; exercise; active ageing

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