Page 191 - Dark Shades of Istria
P. 191
8.6 Discussion on History-Centric Dark Commemorative Events in Istria

professional approach to the organisation are their detected weak points.
Generally speaking, an interdependent tourism system (if the system
from Figure 2.3 is sensibly applied) with such errors cannot work appro-
priately. Moreover, together with individuals (defenders, w w i i veter-
ans), places (Kućibreg memorial park, parson’s house in Lanišće, Bulešić’s
tomb in the parish church in Svetvinčenat), times (all history-centric
dark commemorative events), objects (memorials in Lanišće, Kućibreg or
Pula) and symbols/languages (phrases of gratitude and respect, phrases
at religious rituals, symbols of anti-fascism, state or County symbols) –
all components of the death system (see Table 2.1) – these create a spe-
cial Istrian dark-tourist system, which does not operate perfectly, either.
Nevertheless, the main perspectives of Nora’s memory (1989, pp. 18–19) –
material, symbolic, and functional – were taken into account, which also
makes this study relevant.

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