Page 144 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2024. Glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes ▪︎ Music Criticism – Yesterday and Today. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 7
P. 144
glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes | music criticism – yesterday and today

Mellers, Wilfrid. Music in a New Found Land. London: Barrie & Rockcliff, 1964,

Mitchell, Donald. The Language of Modern Music. London: Faber, 1963.
Mitchell, Rachel. An Examination of the Integration of Serial procedures and Folk-

loric Elements in the Music of Roberto Gerhard (1896–1970). PhD Disserta-
tion, University of Texas at Austin, 2009.
O’Hagan, Peter. “Pierre Boulez in London: the William Glock Years.” In: Edward
Campbell and Peter O’Hagan, Pierre Boulez Studies, 303–26. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2016.
Orledge, Robert. Gabriel Fauré. London: Eulenburg, 1979.
Ross, Alex. All the Rest is Noise. London: Fourth Estate, 2008.
Schiff, David. The Music of Elliott Carter, 1st edition. London: Eulenburg, 1983.
Schiff, David. The Music of Elliott Carter, 2nd edition. London: Faber, 1998.
Schiff, David. Carter (The Master Musicians). New York: Oxford University Press,
Stacey, Peter F. Boulez and the Modern Concept. Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1987.
Wierzbicki, James. Elliott Carter. Urbana, Chicago, Springfield: University of Illi-
nois, 2011.


Adorno, Theodor W. “Modern Music is Growing Old.” The Score and IMA Maga-
zine 18 (December 1956): 27–34.

Boulez, Pierre. “Trajectoires: Ravel, Stravinsky, Schönberg.” Contrepoints, 6 (1949):
122–42. English translation: “Trajectories Ravel, Stravinsky, Schoenberg.” In:
Pierre Boulez, Stocktakings from an Apprenticeship, 188–208. Oxford: Claren-
don Press, 1991.

Boulez, Pierre. “Schoenberg is Dead.” The Score and IMA Magazine 6 (May 1952):
16–22. Reprinted in: Boulez, Pierre. Stocktakings from an Apprenticeship,
209–14. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991.

Carter, Elliott. “The Rhythmic Basis of American Music.” The Score and IMA Mag-
azine 12 (June 1955): 27–32. Reprinted in The Writings of Elliott Carter, edited
by E. and K. Stone, 160–6. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1977, and
in Collected Essays and Lectures, 1937–1995, edited by Jonathan Bernard, 57–
62. Rochester: Rochester University Press, 1997.

Clements, Andrew. “A Night to Remember.” The Guardian, August 9, 1994, Lon-
don, A6.

Del Mar, Norman. “Gerhard as an Orchestral composer.” The Score and IMA Mag-
azine 17 (September 1956): 13–9.

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