Page 185 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2024. Glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes ▪︎ Music Criticism – Yesterday and Today. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 7
P. 185
music in the k ar lovac pr ess in the nineteenth century

Eight compositions were submitted to the competition, and the jury
(after “ four full hours of singing and assessing songs from all sides of musi-
cal art”) decided to award the prize to the composer, choirmaster and mu-
sic pedagogue of Czech origin Slavoljub Lžičar (1832–1901).52 The editor of
Glasonoša, A. Lukšić, undertook to print the song in thousands of copies
so that it could be spread among the school youth. Also, with the aim of
spreading national music, in May 1863 Lukšić sent a public request to sing-
ing societies and composers to send compositions “that are worth spread-
ing,” intending to set up a music printing department in his printing house
and, with the author’s permission, to print sheet music at his own expense.53

Another example of a competition can be found in the newspaper Kar-
lovački viestnik entitled “Natječaj za poputnicu Zrinjskoga” [Competition
for the Zrinjski March], on the occasion of the celebration of the 300th an-
niversary of the death of Zrinski in 1866, the main organizer of which was
the central committee for the anniversary celebration headed by Gjuro
Deželić (1838–1907).54 At the competition (although we don’t find out about

mila! bila ti pjesma ova budnicom i podticalom za svestrani napredak, razvijanje i
uzveličan­je naroda svojega!” Anon., “Slava mladosti.”
52 Anon., “Nagrada napjeva za pjesmu ‘Slava mladosti’ od I. T.,” Glasonoša 2, no. 24 (23
March 1862): 4. Song published in: S. Lžičar, Album hrvatskih napjeva: 100 hrvatskih
narodnih napjeva za glasovir (Braunschweig: Henry Litolff’s Verlag, [1881]). More
about Lžičar see in: Ivica Golec and Martina Kokolari, “Lžičar, Slavoljub,” Hrvatski
biografski leksikon, vol. 9 (Zagreb: LZMK, 2021), 217.
53 “Nu budući da mi je poznato, da imade još mnogo više prekrasnih četverospjevah, što
u raznih pjevačkih družtvih naše domovine, što u p. n. gospode skladateljah i inih lju-
biteljah pjevanja, stoga liepo i milo molim dotičnu gospodu, da mi izvole poslati na
moje troškove četverospieve, sborove, davorije i pjesme, koje su širenja vriedne. Ona
gospoda, koja mi izvole dati dozvole, da iste napjeve na moj trošak tiskati mogu – jer
sam nakan ustrojiti u mojemu zavodu i odsjek za tiskanje pisanih glasbenih komadah
– neka mi to izjaviti blagoizvole.“ [Well, since I know that there are many more beauti-
ful songs in four voices, in various singing societies of our homeland, and from gentle-
men composers and other lovers of singing, therefore I nice and kindly ask the respecti-
ve gentlemen to send me, at my expense, four voice pieces, choirs, davorias and songs,
which are worth spreading. Those gentlemen who are willing to give me permission to
print their compositions at my expense – because I intend to set up a department for
printing music pieces in my institute – please let me know.]. Abel Lukšić, “Molba na
sl. pjevačka družtva i gospodu skladatelje glasbe,” Glasonoša 3, no. 22 (31 May 1863):
54 Anon., “Natječaj (za poputnicu Zrinjskoga.),” Karlovački viestnik 1, no. 33 (18 Au-
gust 1866): 263–4. See also: Sanja Majer-Bobetko, “Nikola Šubić Zrinski i Sigetska
bitka kao skladateljska inspiracija [Nikola Šubić Zrinski and the Batlle of Siget as
a Composer’s Inspiration],” Hrvatska revija, no. 4 (2017),

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