Page 190 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2024. Glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes ▪︎ Music Criticism – Yesterday and Today. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 7
P. 190
glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes | music criticism – yesterday and today

only announced in July 1863, when the text on both sides of the monument
was published in Glasonoša,75 and in the end the monument was placed in
the wrong place:

Finally, I am telling you tragic-comic news. On the eve of All Souls’ Day,
the youth used to always sing next to a grave in the local cemetery of St
Roko, thinking that our famous deceased, the composer Vatroslav Li-
sinski, lies there. When it was time to put a monument to him, the com-
mittee in question instructed the entrepreneur to put a monument on
that grave. When the monument had already been placed, Mr. J. said
that it was the grave of his cousin, old Mrs Fuchs (Lisinski). This is prov-
en to be true, so the monument had to be dismantled and placed on the
right grave, which was not far away. Poor Lisinski – it just happened to
him, as to Mozart, whose grave was sought for more than twenty years
and found with great difficulty two or three years ago.76

Concluding remarks
On the basis of the above preliminary research, newspaper articles about
music prove to be extremely important for obtaining a picture of the cul-
tural and musical life of the city of Karlovac in the nineteenth century, but
also more broadly, given that we find reports from numerous other cit-
ies (and which sometimes complete the information we find in the oth-
er press). This picture can be created in all the more detail if we take into
account the richness of Karlovac’s local press. Further research into oth-
er Croatian newspapers will certainly reveal more information about Kar-
lovac’s musical life, especially in the period when no newspapers were pub-
lished in Karlovac (1848–1860, 1866–1883). From the writing that we find in
almost every issue of the newspaper, it follows that music was an impor-
tant component of everyday life. Political changes as well as the social situ-

75 Anon., “Iz Zagreba, dne 13. srpnja,” Glasonoša 3, no. 29 (19 July 1863): 1.
76 “Konačno vam javljam tragičko-komičku viest. U oči dušnoga dana običavala je mla-

dež uviek pjevati uz njeki grob, na ovdješnjem groblju sv. Roka, misleć, da ondje naš
slavni pokojnik, skladatelj Vatroslav Lisinski leži. Kad se je radilo o tom, da mu se sta-
vi spomenik, naznači dotični odbor poduzetniku, da na taj grob stavi spomenik. Kad
je već spomenik stavljen bio, javi se g. J., da je to grob njegove rodjakinje, stare gospo-
je Fuchs (Lisinski). To se zbilja i dokaza, te se je s toga spomenik razložiti morao i sta-
vio na pravi grob, koji je nedaleko bio. Siromah Lisinski, - njemu se je upravo zgadja-
lo, kao i Mocartu, komu su rob do 20. godinah tražili i težkom mukom prije dvie, tri
godine našli.” Anon., “U Zagrebu, u sobotu dne 8. kolovoza na večer,” Glasonoša 3,
no. 32 (9 August 1863): 3.

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