Page 186 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2024. Glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes ▪︎ Music Criticism – Yesterday and Today. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 7
P. 186
glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes | music criticism – yesterday and today

it in the Karlovac newspapers), a song by Antun Švarc (1823–1891),55 a teacher
at the Music Institute in Zagreb, received the award, while from the collec-
tion Deset Zrinskih poputnicah [Ten Zrinski Marches]56 published on that
occasion, we learn about other participants in the competition: Josip Grasse
(1836–1884; also a teacher at the Music Institute In Zagreb),57 Oton Haus-
ka (Kapellmeister and music teacher from Karlovac), Vilko/Vilim Müller
(1800–1873; musician in Zagreb), F. S. Kaczèr (Kapellmeister and member
of the Archbishop’s Music Chapel in Kaloča), Vilim Just with two composi-
tions (1826–1883; surveyor of Rijeka County),58 Franjo Ksaver Kuhač (1834–
1911; musician in Osijek),59 Ernest Joanelli (1843–?; music teacher in Petrin-
ja),60 and Ferdinand Wiesner Livadić (1799–1879; landowner in Samobor).61

At a time when there were no newspapers published in Karlovac, the
people of Karlovac did not give up on supporting musical creativity. Thus,
in the Sisak newspaper Zatočnik Ivan Vončina announces the competition
for setting music to the song “Bože živi” [Living God] by Petar Preradović
(published in the journal Vienac), stating that

the patriots of Karlovac put together and handed me fifteen imperial
gold sequins [highlighted in the text], to reward the artist who compos-
es the most beautiful melody for that song.62

The compositions for the competition were sent to the editorial office
of Zatočnik, while they were judged by a committee composed of members

55 Ivo Goldstein, ed., “(Švarc; Naftali, Anton),” Židovski biografski leksikon, internet

56 Deset Zrinskih poputnicah za glasovir: glasbeni Zrinski pomenak tristogodišnjice si-
getskog junaka Nikole Šubića Zrinskoga bana hrvatskoga slavljene na 6. 7. 8. i 9. ruj-
na 1866. u Zagrebu,

57 See more in: Zdravko Blažeković, Glazba osjenjena politikom: studije o hrvatskoj
glazbi između 17. i 19. Stoljeća [Music in the Shadow of Politics: Essays on Croatian
Music between the 17th and 19th Centuries] (Zagreb: Matica hrvatska, 2002).

58 Snježana Miklaušić-Ćeran, “Just, Vilim (Wilhelm),” Hrvatski biografski leksikon, in-
ternet edition, 2005,

59 Grozdana Marošević and Sanja Majer-Bobetko, “Kuhač, Franjo Ksaver,” Hrvatski bi-
ografski leksikon, internet edition, 2013,

60 Cf. Maruša Zupančić, “The Influx of Bohemian Violinists to Slovenia and Croatia up
to the 1920s,” Arti musices 50, no. 1–2 (2019): 284.

61 Koraljka Kos, “Livadić, Ferdo,” Hrvatski biografski leksikon, internet edition, 2013,

62 “složiše i predadoše mi rodoljubi karlovački petnaest carskih cekinah u zlatu, da se nji-
mi nagradi umjetnik, koji sastavi za tu pjesmu najljepši napjev.” Anon., “Natječaj za
napjev pjesmi ‘Bože živi’ od P. P.,” Zatočnik 2, no. 54 (8 March 1870): 3.

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