Page 187 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2024. Glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes ▪︎ Music Criticism – Yesterday and Today. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 7
P. 187
music in the k ar lovac pr ess in the nineteenth century

of the editorial staff of Zatočnik, Vienac and the management of the Croa-
tian Singing Society “Kolo” in Zagreb.

In later years, city tenders for jobs were also published in the newspa-
pers, as for example on 11 July 1900, where the position of music teacher at
the Karlovac Music School is advertised with terms of employment, obliga-
tions and salary.63 Ivan Horvat, previously a music teacher in Zemun, was
elected to that position, which was published as a separate piece of news,64
in addition to the report from the town assembly.65 He was employed as a
teacher for a trial period of one year, and already at his first performance
at the traditional Karlovac Christmas Tree ceremony [Svečanost Božićnog
drvca] organized by the Lady’s Society of St Aloysius, he presented himself
in a positive light:

Mr Horvat entered the public for the first time with his well-trained stu-
dents, and we welcome him with joy, and we are especially happy that
we got such a young and skilled choirmaster.66
Horvat led the Music School in Karlovac until 1917, and during that pe-
riod the school’s considerable progress can be noted.67

Occasional songs
Occasional songs can be found especially in the newspaper Glasonoša in
the 1860s, accompanying the performances by musicians who visited Kar-

63 Annual salary 2000 kruna (without the right to a pension or any kind of provision),
probationary period of 1 year. Obligations: 1. playing the organ and singing in the
parish church of St Trinity; 2. tutoring of female students in a girls’ high school (2
hours per week); 3. giving singing and violin lessons for music school students (24
hours a week); 4. take care of solemn orchestral masses in the church of St Trinity on
holidays and festive occasions; 5. role of head of the city music school. Requirements:
Croat or other Slovenian nationality, sufficiently proficient in the Croatian langua-
ge; Roman Catholic; graduate of the conservatory; a good organist and singer, and
an excellent violinist; fully skilled in directing and assembling an orchestra. Anon.,
“Natječaj,” Karlovački glasnik 2, no. 30 (22 July 1900): 4.

64 Anon., “Učiteljem glasbe,” Karlovački glasnik 2, no. 36 (1 September 1900): 3.
65 Anon., “Izvješće o red. skupštini grad. zastupstva sl. i kr. grada Karlovca,” Karlovač-

ki glasnik 2, no. 36 (1 September 1900): 3.
66 “G. Horvat je prvi put stupio u javnost sa svojim tako dobro uvježbanim učenicima, i

mi ga s radošću pozdravljamo, te nas upravo veseli, da smo dobili tako mlada, a tako
vješta zborovodju.” Anon., “Svečanost ‘Božićnjeg drvca’,” Karlovački glasnik 2, no. 52
(22 December 1900): 4.
67 Božena Jelačić, 180 godina glazbenog školstva u Karlovcu 1804–1984 [180 Years of
Music Education in Karlovac 1804-1984] (Karlovac: Muzička škola, 1984), 20.

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