Page 314 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2024. Glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes ▪︎ Music Criticism – Yesterday and Today. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 7
P. 314
glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes | music criticism – yesterday and today

mie in Lviv. Seit 2021 ist sie Mitglied der Nationalen Akademie der Küns-
te der Ukraine und seit 2022 Mitglied der Academia Europaea. Ihre For-
schungsschwerpunkte sind die Musikkultur Galiziens, Musikpsychologie,
die Geschichte der ukrainischen Musik, die Beziehungen der ukrainischen
Musik zu anderen europäischen nationalen Musikschulen und Musikpäd-
agogik. Sie ist Mitglied der Arbeitsgruppe „Musikgeschichte in Mittel- und
Osteuropa“ und Autorin von über 20 Monografien und Lehrbüchern sowie
über 500 Artikeln in Fachbüchern und Zeitschriften in der Ukraine, Polen,
Deutschland, Österreich, der Slowakei, den USA, Rumänien, Litauen, Slo-
wenien, der Schweiz, Italien usw.

Susanne Kogler (
is currently Head of the Department of Arts and Musicology at the Universi-
ty of Graz. She is also one of the two speakers of the research area Perception:
Episteme, Aesthetics, Politics at the Faculty of Humanities. She studied music
education, classical philology and musicology at the University and the Uni-
versity of Music and Performing Arts in Graz. Dissertation on “Language
and Linguisticity in Contemporary Musical Creation” (Studien zur Wer-
tungsforschung 39, Graz/Vienna: Universal Edition, 2003). 2012 Habilitation
at the Institute of Musicology at the University of Graz with the study “Ador-
no versus Lyotard: modern and postmodern aesthetics” (publication 2014,
Karl Alber Verlag, Freiburg). 1996–2011 research associate at the Institute for
Valuation Research at the University of Art in Graz, 2010–2011 deputy direc-
tor of the Center for Gender Research, since 2012 director of the University
Archives. Teaching position as private lecturer at the Institute of Musicolo-
gy at the University of Graz (2013–2020) as well as lecturer at the Universities
of Vienna (2009) and Klagenfurt (2014). 2006–2009 research stay in Paris
(Charlotte-Bühler habilitation grant of the FWF). Visiting professor at New
York City University (2005), the University of Paris 8 (2007 and 2010) and the
University of Ljubljana (2018). Since 2020 Co-Editor of Fokus Musik. Musik-
wissenschaftliche Beiträge der Kunstuniversität Graz (Graz: Leykam). Nu-
merous publications on music history and aesthetics of the 19th–21st centuries.

Lucija Konfic (
is a research associate at the Department for History of Croatian Music,
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb. She graduated in mu-
sicology (Music Academy in Zagreb) in 2005 and librarianship (Faculty of
Philosophy in Zagreb) in 2008, and received her PhD in 2017 at the Univer-
sität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Graz. She is actively researching

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