Page 19 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2025. Glasbena interpretacija: med umetniškim in znanstvenim┊Music Interpretation: Between the Artistic and the Scientific. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 8
P. 19

musical interpretation: between the artistic and the scientific
            paper by professor Clemens Hellsberg, violinist and long-serving president
            of the executive commitee of the Vienna Philharmonic, entitled Die Wie-
            ner Philharmoniker: Geschichte und Struktur, in which the author presents
            some of the milestones in the extraordinarily rich history of the orchestra
            and its experiences with some outstanding interpreters, devoting particu-
            lar attention to some of the most important conductors of the recent past
            and the contemporary era.
                 This is followed by a paper by Helmut Loos entitled  Der Dirigent.
            Anspruch und Wirkung, a presentation of certain aspects of Elias Canet-
            ti’s key philosophical work Masse und Macht (1960), in which Canetti de-
            scribes the role of the conductor as that of an absolute leader, an individual
            who has the power to decide about “life and death” (über Leben und Tod).
            Hartmut Krones’s paper Die Aufführungslehre der Wiener Schule als histor-
            ische Aufführungspraxis looks at how the performance doctrine of the Vi-
            enna School pursued exactly the same goals as historically informed perfor-
            mance. The Vienna-based Ukrainian musicologist Lidia Melnyk also sheds
            light on the work of some of the pupils of the Vienna School in her paper
            Die etwas andere „Wiener Schule“. Eduard Steuermann und seine Lemberger
            Schüler. Her research focuses on three pianists from Lviv (Lwów/Lemberg)
            – Jakob Gimpel, Artur Hermelin and Leopold Münzer, all of whom were
            students of Schoenberg’s pianist Eduard Steuermann – and, in two cases,
            on their tragic fates. In his paper Musical Interpretation – Specifics of Work-
            ing with Textual Statements and Other Aspects, Viktor Velek highlights the
            dualism between two types of evaluation of musical performance: written
            reflection and reviews of recordings. Luba Kyanowska’s paper Die ukrai-
            nische Opernsängerin Solomia Kruschelnytska in Prozess der künstlerischen
            Emanzipation des späten 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts looks at the re-
            markable career of the Ukrainian soprano Solomiya Krushelnytska, who is
            remembered in European musical history above all for her interpretation of
            the title role in Giacomo Puccini’s opera Madama Butterfly. Light is shed on
            a unique compositional career by the excellent Croatian researchers Vjera
            Katalinić and Lucija Konfic in their paper (Vittorio Radeglia and His Ser-
            enade aux Etoiles in the Modern Composers‘ Series Competition) dedicated
            to the Sérénade aux étoiles by Vittorio Radeglia, a little-known composer
            of Dalmatian origin. In 1913 Radeglia won first prize in the Modern Com-
            posers’ Series Prize Competition organised by the Art Publication Society
            12   Elias Canetti, Masse und Macht: Wesentliche Zusammenhänge zum Verständnis un-
                 seres Zeitalters (Hamburg: Claasen Verlag, 1960), 264.

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