Page 34 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 34
stičišču svetov ■ on the crossroad of worlds 32 litve prostora. Prav prisotnost trirobih puščic z Brinje- settlement in this area. It was the presence of trilobat-
ve gore in Ptuja je navajala k pomisli, da je opustelost ed arrowheads from Brinjeva Gora and Ptuj that gave
posledica skitskih vdorov oziroma posledica kuge, ki rise to the belief that the desolation was the result of
so jo s sabo prinesli stepski nomadi z vzhoda in ki jo Scythian invasion or of a plague brought by steppe no-
omenja v Georgikah rimski pesnik Vergil. To je tiste mads from the East, as cited by the Roman poet Virgil
skrivnostne epidemije, ki sta jo v svojem branju kla- in his Georgics. The mysterious epidemic, mentioned
sičnega avtorja Ana in Jaro Šašel časovno umestila v in readings of classic authors placed by Ana and Jaro
čas še pred prihodom Keltov na področje zahodne Pa- Šašel in the period before the arrival of the Celts in the
nonije, ko naj bi povzročila popolno opustošenje ter area of western Pannonia, should explain the total de-
opustitev pokrajine (Teržan 1998; Šašel, Šašel 1980; struction and abandonment of the province (Teržan
Tankó 2005, 158). Tudi opazujoč arheološke ostanke se 1998; Šašel, Šašel 1980; Tankó 2005, 158). Even looking
je zdelo, kot da je prvič, odkar so ljudje poselili vzhod- at archaeological remains, it appears that for the first
no Slovenijo, pokrajina okoli griča, ki se je dominan- time since people had settled in eastern Slovenia the
tno dvigal nad Dravo ter ravnico na drugi strani, za ne- landscape around the hill elevated dominantly above
kaj stoletij popolnoma opustela. the Drava River and the plain on the other side were
completely abandoned for a few centuries.
Kot že velikokrat doslej v arheologiji je ena sama drob-
na najdba popolnoma spremenila poznavanje zgodo- As is the case so often in archeology, only one small
vine. Leta 1999 je raziskovalna ekipa Zavoda za varstvo discovery completely changed the understanding of
kulturne dediščine Slovenije pod vodstvom Marije history. In 1999, field crew of the Institute for the Pro-
Lubšina Tušek izvedla arheološka izkopavanja na pro- tection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia under the di-
storu dvorišča Malega gradu na zahodnem robu da- rection of Mary Lubšina Tušek conducted archaeo-
našnje Prešernove ulice na Ptuju. Gre za srednjeveški logical excavations in the courtyard of Mali Grad on
objekt, postavljen na prvo dravsko teraso in ki je nas- the western edge of today’s Prešernova ulica in Ptuj.
tal najverjetneje z gradnjo mestnega obzidja v 13. sto- It was a medieval building erected on the first Drava
letju, ko se že večkrat omenja na Ptuju obstoj »manj- River terrace and is likely to have arisen from the con-
šega gradu«, ki je služil za namestitev ministerialov struction of town walls in the 13th century, when the
ob prihodu lastnikov Ptujskega gradu. V pisnih virih existence of a »smaller castle« in Ptuj, used to install
se objekt zanesljivo omenja stoletje kasneje, današnji ministerials upon the arrival of landlords from Ptuj
izgled pa je dobil s prezidavami v 16. stoletju (Baš 1950; Castle, was repeatedly mentioned. In written sourc-
Stopar 1990). Arheološke raziskave so odkrile arhitek- es, the building was reliably mentioned a century lat-
turne ostanke, datirane od srednjega veka do prazgo- er, but its present-day appearance was created with
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