Page 37 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 37
ka 9. Odlomek keramične posode s Turnirskega prostora na Grajskem griču (po Kavur 2014).
Figure 9. Vessel fragment from Turnirski prostor on the Castle hill (according to Kavur 2014).

on each side and a rectangular cross-section into which two ridges run equidistantly from each other. The tim-
the timpani were inserted. The needle’s bed extends to pani’s edge, however, finishes immediately following
the first two lateral growths and is V-shaped. On the un- the second ridge. The latter was damaged or removed
derside, it is visible that the leg was additionally grinded in several areas due to grinding of the edge.
before being inserted or forged into the timpani. The
timpani’s leg consists of a hemispherical cap as well as All authors who discussed these fibulae followed
a pin with an oval cross-section. As seen on their un- the formulation of Otto-Herman Frey, who consid-
derside, they were made or cast in a two-part mold and ered kettledrum fibulae to represent a Western Hall-
then again turned on the upper side. A deeper depres- statt-type of jewelry or costume which in the late Hall-
sion is located in their center on the top, around which statt period (Ha D2 and D3) extended their scope to
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