Page 32 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 32
mečem v zborniku Keltske študije II izdanem v Franciji A major discovery that changed the appearance of the
(Lubšina Tušek, Kavur 2009) je poskrbela za medna- oldest Celtic settlement in today’s Slovenia took place
rodno prepoznavnost najdbe, ki je bila takoj vključe- in 2006 and 2007, when the research group of the In-
na v poskuse pojasnitev keltskih migracij na prostoru stitute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage of
vzhodne Evrope (Megaw, Megaw 2012, 402) oziro- Slovenia led by Marija Lubšina Tušek also discovered
ma najdba je bila vključena v katalog predmetov, ki four Celtic graves dug into tumuli on the area of an
bodo izšli kot novi Supplement h klasičnemu katalogu Early Iron Age tumulus cemetery in Srednica. The
Early Celtic Art (Megaw, v pripravi). Vsi pokopi pa so presentation of the male grave with an opulently dec-
na stičišču svetov ■ on the crossroad of worlds 30 bili predstavljeni v zborniku The Eastern Celts leta 2011 orated sword in Keltske študije II published in France
(Lubšina Tušek, Kavur 2011). (Lubšina Tušek, Kavur 2009) attained international
recognition, with the find immediately entering schol-
Leta 2014 je bila v okviru mednarodnega projekta Cla- arly efforts to explain Celtic migration on the territo-
sh of Cultures prvič po 20 letih ponovno javnosti pred- ry of Eastern Europe (Megaw, Megaw 2012, 402). It
stavljena keltska arheološka dediščina Ptuja in njegove was also included in the catalogue of items that will be
okolice. Razstava z naslovom Vse stvari štejejo (v majhnih published in the Supplement to the classical catalogue
količinah) …, ki jo je spremljal istoimenski katalog (Ka- Early Celtic Art (Megaw, in preparation). All burials
vur 2014), je bila premierno prestavljena v Narodnem were presented in the 2011 publication of the The East-
muzeju Slovenije ter kasneje v Pokrajinskem muzeju ern Celts volume (Lubšina Tušek, Kavur 2011).
Ptuj–Ormož in Pokrajinskem muzeju Celje.
In 2014, within the framework of the international
Clash of Cultures project, for the first time in 20 years,
the Celtic archaeological heritage of Ptuj and its sur-
roundings were again presented to the public. The ex-
hibition entitled Everything Counts (In Small Amounts)…
accompanied by a catalogue with the same title (Ka-
vur 2014) premiered in the National Museum of Slo-
venia, followen by the presentation in the Regional
Museum Ptuj-Ormož and the Regional Museum in

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