Page 75 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 75
kromna ženska
The Modest Woman
M Glajšeželeznodobni grob številka 6 je bil 73
vkopan v severni del starejšeželeznodob-
ne gomile številka 6. Jama nepravilne ob- rave number 6 dated to the Late Iron Age
was dug into the northern part of Early Iron
Age mound number 6. The irregular pit was
like je bila dolga 1,8 ter široka 0,9 metra. Usmerjena 1.8-meters-long and 0.9-meters-wide. It was directed
je bila od severa proti jugu z manjšim odklonom pro- north-south, with a small deviation to the west (Fig-
ti zahodu (Slika 24). Polnilo je bil temen drobno zrnat ure 24). The filling was dark, fine-grained sandy sed-
peščen sediment, ki je vseboval nekaj večjih prodni- iment that contained several, up-to-20 cm large peb-
kov velikosti do 20 cm. Večji prodniki so bili pogostej- bles. They were more frequent in the southern part
ši v južnem delu jame v nivoju, na katerem se je naha- of the pit at the level that also contained ceramics. In
jala tudi keramika. V grobni jami, delno poškodovani the burial pit, partially damaged by a modern trench, a
z modernim vkopom, sta bili odkriti skleda s S-profi- bowl with S-profile and a ceramic bottle with a bicon-
liranim robom in keramična steklenica z bikoničnim ical body, a narrow neck and an everted mouth were
telesom, ozkim vratom in izvihanim ustjem. discovered.
V grobu sta bili odkriti zgolj dve keramični posodi – Only two ceramic vessels were discovered in the
pivska garnitura sestavljena iz sklede ter posode z za- grave: a drinking set consisting of a bowl and a con-
obljenim trebuhom, ožjim vratom in rahlo izvihanim tainer with a rounded belly, narrow neck and a slight-
ustjem (Slika 25, 26). Za obe posodi lahko najdemo pri- ly everted mouth (Figure 25, 26). We can find compari-
merjave predvsem v keramičnih inventarjih grobov sons for both vessels mainly in the ceramic inventories
starejšega latena, datirane od Lt A do poznega Lt B, na of graves dating to the Early La Tène, from Lt A to late
področju od osrednjih Alp pa vse do vzhodne Avstri- Lt B, on territory from the central Alps all the way to
je in južne Slovaške. V Avstriji so bile podobne sklede eastern Austria and southern Slovakia. Similar bowls
The Modest Woman
M Glajšeželeznodobni grob številka 6 je bil 73
vkopan v severni del starejšeželeznodob-
ne gomile številka 6. Jama nepravilne ob- rave number 6 dated to the Late Iron Age
was dug into the northern part of Early Iron
Age mound number 6. The irregular pit was
like je bila dolga 1,8 ter široka 0,9 metra. Usmerjena 1.8-meters-long and 0.9-meters-wide. It was directed
je bila od severa proti jugu z manjšim odklonom pro- north-south, with a small deviation to the west (Fig-
ti zahodu (Slika 24). Polnilo je bil temen drobno zrnat ure 24). The filling was dark, fine-grained sandy sed-
peščen sediment, ki je vseboval nekaj večjih prodni- iment that contained several, up-to-20 cm large peb-
kov velikosti do 20 cm. Večji prodniki so bili pogostej- bles. They were more frequent in the southern part
ši v južnem delu jame v nivoju, na katerem se je naha- of the pit at the level that also contained ceramics. In
jala tudi keramika. V grobni jami, delno poškodovani the burial pit, partially damaged by a modern trench, a
z modernim vkopom, sta bili odkriti skleda s S-profi- bowl with S-profile and a ceramic bottle with a bicon-
liranim robom in keramična steklenica z bikoničnim ical body, a narrow neck and an everted mouth were
telesom, ozkim vratom in izvihanim ustjem. discovered.
V grobu sta bili odkriti zgolj dve keramični posodi – Only two ceramic vessels were discovered in the
pivska garnitura sestavljena iz sklede ter posode z za- grave: a drinking set consisting of a bowl and a con-
obljenim trebuhom, ožjim vratom in rahlo izvihanim tainer with a rounded belly, narrow neck and a slight-
ustjem (Slika 25, 26). Za obe posodi lahko najdemo pri- ly everted mouth (Figure 25, 26). We can find compari-
merjave predvsem v keramičnih inventarjih grobov sons for both vessels mainly in the ceramic inventories
starejšega latena, datirane od Lt A do poznega Lt B, na of graves dating to the Early La Tène, from Lt A to late
področju od osrednjih Alp pa vse do vzhodne Avstri- Lt B, on territory from the central Alps all the way to
je in južne Slovaške. V Avstriji so bile podobne sklede eastern Austria and southern Slovakia. Similar bowls