Page 89 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 89
domnevali, da gre za ostanek starejše ploščaste and profiling on its upper side (Figure 31). We once as-
fibule (Lubšina Tušek, Kavur 2011), kar pa se zdi manj sumed that this is a remnant of an older plate fibula

verjetno, saj je bila ploščica v grobu odkrita ob boku (Lubšina Tušek, Kavur 2011), which seems less likely

pokojnice skupaj z masivnim obročkom z lečastim considering the plate was discovered in a grave at the

presekom, kar kaže, da je bil verjetno del pasne gar- side of the deceased together with a solid ring having a

niture ali pa vsaj obešen nanjo. Edina do sedaj po- lenticular cross-section, indicating that it was probably

znana primerjava je podobna bronasta ploščica iz part of a belt set or at least attached to it. The only so

žganega bojevniškega groba 49/1971 iz romunskega far known comparison is a similar bronze plate from druga dama ■ another lady 87

grobišča Fântânele-Dealul Poii (Rustoiu 2008, 96, a cremated warrior grave (number 49/1971) from the

Fig. 46, 5). Fântânele-Dealul Poii cemetery in Romania (Rustoiu

Železen nož, ki se je nahajal v grobu, je bil odkrit na 2008, 96, Fig. 46, 5).

nenavadnem mestu pri nogah skeleta zraven kerami- The iron knife discovered in the grave was located in

ke in posledične ne moremo izključiti možnosti, da an unusual position at the skeleton’s feet next to pot-

sodi k v grob priloženi hrani in ni del osebne opre- tery; consequentially, we cannot exclude the possibil-

me pokojnice. Z ukrivljenim rezilom daje vtis sta- ity of its belonging to food offered in the deceased’s

rejše oblike, vendar poznamo take nože tudi iz so- memory and not to personal equipment of the de-

časnih kontekstov, kot je na primer zgodnjelatenski ceased. The curved blade gives the impression of older

grob 23 iz Bučanyja na Slovaškem (Bujna, Romsauer forms, but such knives are known from contemporary

1983, Taf. 9, 4), ter celo mlajših kontekstov kot je najd- contexts, such as the one found in Early La Tène-era

ba iz Radostyána na Madžarskem (Hunyady 1942, T. grave number 23 in Bučany, Slovakia (Bujna, Rom-

52, 11). sauer 1983, Taf. 9, 4), and even from younger contexts,

Pokojnica je na prsih nosila tudi dve železni fibuli, ki such as the discovery in Radostyán, Hungary (Hun-
pa sta bili preveč prepereli in razpadli, da bi ju lahko re- yady 1942, T. 52, 11).

konstruirali. Kljub večjemu številu keramičnih posod The deceased had two iron fibulae on her chest, but

njena noša ne izstopa, izjemo predstavlja zgolj profili- they were too weathered and crumbling that they

rana bronasta ploščica, ki je vrhunski livarski izdelek could not be reconstructed. Despite the large num-

ter redek pridatek v grobovih. ber of pottery, the deceased’s costume does not stand

out. A single exception is the profiled bronze plaque, a

product of superior casting technology and an infre-

quent grave good in burials.
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