Page 149 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 149
od utjecajem sveprisutnog helenističkog sti- 149
la na istočnom Sredozemlju, već od kraja 4.,
a poglavito tijekom 3. st. pr. Kr., Osor prihva- ue to the influence of the omnipresent Hel-
lenistic style of the eastern Mediterranean al-
ready from the end of the 4th and especially

ća nove životne standarde. Razvija se i uređuje na na- during the 3rd cent. BC Osor accepted new living stan-
čin prave urbane forme. Postojeći bedemi učvršću- dards. It developed and was regulated in a true urban
ju se velikim kamenim blokovima u suhozidu, tzv. form. The existing city walls were reinforced by large
megalitskim ili kiklopskim zidinama. Na istočnoj stone boulders in the dry building technique – the
strani, pored današnjega groblja i na ulazu u grad, sa construction of the so-called megalithic or Cyclopean
zapadne strane pružanja još se dobro mogu uočiti di- walls. On the eastern side, near the present-day ceme-
jelovi konzerviranog bedema toga vremena (sl. 15; 17- tery, on the west side of the extension one can still see
18). Zadržavanjem strateškog položaja nezaobilazne parts of the conserved city walls of that time (Fig. 15; 17-
luke u tranzitnim komunikacijama tog dijela Euro- 18). By keeping the strategic position of an unavoidable
pe, potiče se ponovno uređenje tjesnaca i pristani- port in transit communications in this part of Europe
šta te obližnjih uvala Jaz i Bijar kao sigurnih lučica za was encouraged the re-planning of the strait and the
pristajanje.282 port as well as the nearby bays Jaz and Bijar as safe har-
bours for docking.282
Nalazi pokretne arheološke građe i nadalje neosporno
svjedoče o razvijenom društvenom i političkom sta- Archaeological finds still demonstrate the existence of
tusu Osora unutar ondašnjih gospodarsko-trgovač- the developed social and political status of Osor within
kih ali i vojno-političkih snaga na Jadranu.283 the past economic and trade but also military and po-
litical forces in the Adriatic.283

282 Faber 1980; Faber 2002. 282 Faber 1980; Faber 2002.
283 Usp. Glogović 1989; Blečić Kavur 2009; Blečić Kavur 2010. 283 Cf. Glogović 1989; Blečić Kavur 2009; Blečić Kavur 2010.
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