Page 150 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 150
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 150 Posebnost koja se tada filtrira jest zapravo mjesno stva- A special feature which is then filtered is actually the
ralaštvo u najširem poimanju te riječi. Ono s jedne local creativity in the broadest understanding of the
strane, posve konkretno i sigurno pokazuje autohto- word. It quite concretely and certainly demonstrates
ne obrtničke tradicije, preoblikovane pod utjecajima the indigenous craft tradition, reshaped under the in-
novih ideja i djela, vještina i tehnologija. Ponegdje ih fluence new ideas and works, skills and technology.
nadomještaju ili istiskuju predmeti helenističke obrt- In some instances they are replaced or displaced by
ničke provenijencije, a ponegdje oni iz svijeta keltskog items of Hellenistic craft provenance, and sometimes
kulturnog stvaralaštva. Međutim, postoji i nemali broj by those from the world of Celtic cultural creativity.
obrazaca koji pokazuju njihovo zajedničko nastupan- However, there are a significant number of patterns
je, što je s obzirom na položaj Osora realno shvatljivo that demonstrate their common occurrence, which is,
i očekivano. Drugim riječima, ni jedan od navedenih due to the position of Osor, really understandable and
utjecaja nije bio nasilan ili izravan, nego postupan, bez expected. In other words, neither of the above impacts
većih ili naglih preobrata, izabran. Predmeti prestiža was violent or direct, but elected and gradual without
i luksuznih importa bili su obilježjem standarda suk- major or sudden reversal. Prestige items and luxury im-
ladnog vrijednostima šireg kulturnog kruga, posebno port were the demonstration of the standards in accor-
sjevernojadranske kulturne koiné. Tako se ujedno do- dance with the values of the wider cultural circle, espe-
kazao i kontinuitet autohtonog življa koji je primao cially of the northern Adriatic cultural koiné. Thus it also
te prilagođavao trendove svojim potrebama, shodno demonstrated the continuity of the indigenous popu-
vlastitom profiliranom i prepoznatljivom stilu, kako u lation who adapted the trends according to their needs
prijašnjim tako i u zadnjim stoljećima stare ere.284 – in compliance with their own profiled and recogniz-
able style, both in earlier and in the last centuries BC.284

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