Page 153 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 153
ovskog horizonta kasnog HaD3 sve do ranolaten- od.287 In contrast, to the modest not so much decorated partnerstvo ... ■ the partnership ... 153
skog razdoblja.287 Nasuprot, skromnijoj, zdepastijoj i variants XIIb fibula of Certosa type, as well as their pro-
ne toliko ukrašenoj varijanti XIIb fibula tipa Certo- duction on the model of the a variants, can be added
sa, kao i njihovoj proizvodnji po uzoru na a varijante, four partially preserved fibulae from Osor (Fig. 54).288
pribrojiti se može i upravo četiri djelomično očuvane They are characterized by the taut bow towards the
fibule iz Osora (sl. 54).288 Karakterizira ih zabačen luk foot of the fibula decorated with an irregular byconical
prema nozi fibule s ukrasnim nepravilnim bikoničnim button at the end of the bow. On the bow were often
dugmetom na kraju luka kojeg se često nalazi ostatak remains of rivets for the fixing of the spring and pin to
zakovice kojima su bile pričvršćene opruga i igla na ti- the body of the fibula. The two better preserved fibu-
jelo fibule. Osorske dvije bolje očuvane fibule su da- lae from Osor had therefore a two-piece construction.
kle dvodijelne. Na najvišoj točki luka nalaze se s obje At the highest point of the bow are located on both
strane naglašeno izvučena polukružna zadebljanja tzv. sides semicircular thickening called »the eyes«. Due to
»oči«. Zbog izrazite zastupljenosti u Lici smatra se da well defined presence in Lika it is considered that they
su se ondje možda i razvile, počevši od sredine 4. st. pr. might have developed there, starting from the middle
Kr., postignuvši obilježje japodskog obrtničkog stva- of the 4th cent. BC, having attained the characteristic
ralaštva (sl. 54).289 Samim time označavat će još jednu Japodic crafts creativity (Fig. 54).289 Their presence in-
čvršću poveznicu Osora toga vremena s kulturnim dicates another tighter link of Osor with the cultural
ostvarenjima Japoda u ličkome zaleđu. achievements of Japodi in Lika.

Fibule tipa Certosa VII varijante učestalije su i tipološ- Certosa type fibula of VII variant are more common
ki različitije zastupljene na prostoru kvarnerskog prio- and typological diverse on the coastal area of Kvar-
balnog, ali i otočnog dijela te ih stoga poznajemo goto- ner, but also the island part. They are known from al-
vo iz svih istraživanih nekropola od Kastva i Grobnika most all of the necropoles from Kastav and Grobnik
do Krka i Baške, te najjužnijeg Osora.290 Iz tog, ovdje to Krk and Baška, and the southernmost Osor.290 For
istaknutog nalazišta predstavljaju se čak tri varijante this, here presented site are present three variants (d, e,
(d, e, f), što je s obzirom na zastupljenost najveći omjer f), which is according to the presence of the highest ra-
varijanti tih fibula na jednom, dosad objavljenom kvar- tio of variants of these fibulae in one, previously pub-
nerskom nalazištu. lished site in Kvarner.

287 Teržan 1976, 338, 371-372, sl. 41; Glogović 1989, T. 32, 10; Cetinić 1996, sl. 5; Blečić 287 Teržan 1976, 338, 371-372, sl. 41; Glogović 1989, T. 32, 10; Cetinić 1996, sl. 5; Blečić
2004, 66, 84, sl. 12, T. 3, 1.2.9; usp. Blečić Kavur 2010, T. 11, 162. 2004, 66, 84, sl. 12, T. 3, 1.2.9; cf. Blečić Kavur 2010, T. 11, 162.

288 Blečić Kavur 2014a, 47. 288 Blečić Kavur 2014a, 47.
289 Lo Schiavo 1970, 493, T. 6, 11; T. 14, 4; T. 29, 15; Teržan 1976, 382; Težak-Gregl 289 Lo Schiavo 1970, 493, T. 6, 11; T. 14, 4; T. 29, 15; Teržan 1976, 382; Težak-Gregl

1981, 31, T. 4; T. 5; T. 6; usp. Blečić Kavur 2010 , T. 46, 629-632. 1981, 31, T. 4; T. 5; T. 6; cf. Blečić Kavur 2010 , T. 46, 629-632.
290 Glogović 1982, sl. 4, 1-2, 4; Glogović 1989, T. 32, 7; Blečić 2002; Blečić 2004, T. 290 Glogović 1982, sl. 4, 1-2, 4; Glogović 1989, T. 32, 7; Blečić 2002; Blečić 2004, T.

2, 1.2.4; T. 3, 1.2.5-1.2.8, 1.2.1; Blečić Kavur 2014a, 45, 47. 2, 1.2.4; T. 3, 1.2.5-1.2.8, 1.2.1; Blečić Kavur 2014a, 45, 47.
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