Page 17 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 17
5. Jazon otima »zlatno runo«. Detalj s atičke crvenofiguralne vaze prostor, priroda, prošlost ■ space, nature, past 17
Orchard slikara, 470.- 460. g. pr. Kr. (New York, Metropolitan
Museum of Art, 34.11.7) (prema Blečić Kavur 2014b).

Jason abducts the »Golden Fleece«. Detail from an Attic red-figure
vase by the Orchard Painter, about 470-460 BC (New York, Metro-
politan Museum of Art, 34.11.7)
(after Blečić Kavur 2014b).

nastojalo se tumačiti na razne načine. Jedan od privlač- Once people searched for origins of its denomination
nijih pristupa svakako je bio onaj povezan uz zgodu iz in the deep past and interpreted it in various ways. One
grčke mitologije. Po njoj je naselje dobilo ime Apsor of the most attractive approaches was certainly the one
(Apsoros), otok Apsirtidi (Apsýrtides Nêsoi ili Osorski oto- associated with an event from Greek mythology. Ac-
ci), a narod Apsirtejci ili Apsirti. Svi znameniti antič- cording to the later the settlement was named Apso-
ki pisci bilježe to nazivlje, interpretirajući ga kroz le- ros (Apsoros), the island Apsyrtides (Apsýrtides Nêsoi) and
gendu o slavnim grčkim moreplovcima Argonautima people Apsirtians or Apsyrtides. All the famous writ-
iz Kolhide i s otmicom »zlatnoga runa«.11 Legenda o ers of antiquity recorded this terminology interpret-
Argonautima jedna je od najvažnijih iz grčke mitolo- ing it through the legend of the famous Greek seafar-
gije. Riječ je o junacima koji su s brodom Argo i s Ja- ers Argonauts from Colchis and the abduction of the
zonom, iz Jolka u Tesaliji, kao predvodnikom pošli u »Golden Fleece«.11 The legend of the Argonauts is one
Kolhidu odnijeti »zlatno runo« – ovnujsko proročan- of the most important parts of Greek mythology. It
sko runo (sl. 5). Jazon se pak u Kolhidi zaljubio u čarob- tells the tale about Jason from Jolkos in Thessaly and
nicu Medeju, kćerku tamošnjeg kralja Ajeta. Svojom his band of heroes went to Colchis who with the ship
magijom pomogla mu je da s čudesnim runom pob- Argo to take the »Golden Fleece« – a prophetic ram’s
jegne iz Kolhide i savlada prepreke na putu kako bi se fleece (Fig. 5). In Colchis Jason fell in love with the sor-
oslobodili kolšanske potjere i vratili se u Grčku. Ajet je ceress Medea, daughter of the local king Aeetes. With
her magic she helped him to escape with the miracu-

11 Općenito Mori 2008 – uz svu stariju literaturu; Katičić 1995, 73-74; usp. Faber 11 In general see: Mori 2008 – with earlier literature; Katičić 1995, 73-74; cf. Faber

1980, 289-291; Stražičić 1981, 16-17; Fučić 1990, 7; usp. i Radić Rossi 2010, 92. 1980, 289-291; Stražičić 1981, 16-17; Fučić 1990, 7; cf. Radić Rossi 2010, 92.
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