Page 18 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 18
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 18 u potjeru za otmičarima poslao svoga sina Apsirta. Na lous fleece from Colchis and to overcome the obstacles
našem otoku Apsirt je sustigao Argonaute. No sestra along the way in order to return to Greece. Aeetes sent
ga je Medeja prijevarom namamila u zasjedu, gdje ga in pursuit of the kidnappers his son Absyrtos – the lat-
je Jazon ubio i obredno osakatio. Tijelo i kosti poko- er caught up with the Argonauts on our island. But his
pali su u zemlju među domaćim ljudima. Tako su sta- sister Medea tricked him into an ambush where Jason
novnici otoka, otok i grad nazvani po nesretno umore- killed and ritually mutilated him. His body and bones
nom Apsirtu iz Kolhide.12 were buried in to the ground among the locals. Thus,
the inhabitants of the island, the island itself and the
Bilo kako bilo, predajom ili mitskom prošlošću, iz ze- city were named after the unfortunate murdered Ab-
mljopisne književnosti iznjedrila je činjenica po kojoj syrtos from Colchis.12
se Aspirtidima određuje najsjevernije jadransko otoč-
je s Cresom-Lošinjem kao središtem, kojima tek po- However, due to the tradition or the mythic past,
tom slijede Liburnski otoci i pripadajuća im obala.13 evolved from the geographical literature the north-
ernmost islands of the Adriatic with Cres-Lošinj as the
Arheološki pak potvrđeni izvori svjedoče kako se centre were denominated as the Apsyrtians. Succeed-
Osor kao dominantno naselje posebno razvija od kra- ing them were the Liburnian islands and the associat-
ja brončanog i tijekom željeznog doba posljednjih ti- ed coast.13
sućljeća stare ere.14 Pa iako se na čitavom području od
Osora do Punte Križa u to doba formiraju brojna gra- Archaeological sources however testify that Osor, as
dinska naselja – naselja na uzvisinama, njihov karakter, the dominant settlement, developed from the end of
funkcija i kontinuitet postojanja zapravo i dalje pred- the Bronze and during the Iron Ages in the last mil-
stavljaju svojevrsnu nepoznanicu. Sve su one smješte- lennium BC.14 Although it was a period when on the
ne na istaknutim uzvišenjima središnjeg bila prema entire area from Osor to Punta Križa were formed
Punti Križa, pa pokazuju prostornu dosljednost, a sva- numerous hill-forts – settlements on the hills. Their
kako razvijenu mogućnost brze i jednostavne među- character and continuity of existence in fact continue
sobne komunikacije. Takvim su rasporedom činile to represent a sort of unknown. They were all located
prvi zaštitni pojas prema središnjem naselju u Osoru. on prominent elevations of the central ridge running
Velika većina njih podizana je na manjim zaravnjenim towards Punta Križa, demonstrating a spatial consist-
ency and certainly developed possibility of quick and
12 Katičić 1995, 35-36, 45, 67-68, 72-75, 79-80; Mori 2008, 214-215; Blečić Kavur
2014a, 17-19. 12 Katičić 1995, 35-36, 45, 67-68, 72-75, 79-80; Mori 2008, 214-215; Blečić Kavur
2014a, 17-19.
13 Katičić 1995, 184-187; usp. Blečić 2001, 68; uz stariju navedenu literaturu.
14 Općenito kod Faber 1974, 81; Faber 1976, 229, 233; Faber 1982; Blečić 2006; 13 Katičić 1995, 184-187; cf. Blečić 2001, 68 – with earlier literature.
14 In general see Faber 1974, 81; Faber 1976, 229, 233; Faber 1982; Blečić 2006; Ble-
Blečić Kavur 2010, 16-19; Blečić Kavur, Kavur 2013, 354-355; usp. Blečić Kavur
2014b. čić Kavur 2010, 16-19; Blečić Kavur, Kavur 2013, 354-355; cf. Blečić Kavur 2014b.
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