Page 20 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 20
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 20 diti u izrazitom bogatstvu nalaza materijalne ostavšti- come from the vivid richness of material remains.18 Val-
ne. Vrijednost arheoloških izvora prikazanih s raznim ue of archaeological sources is presented with various
predmetima nošnje i nakita domaćeg, lokalnog i uve- objects of attire and jewellery of domestic, local and im-
zenog podrijetla, s raskošnim predmetima posebnih ported origin, with luxurious items of special symboli-
simboličkih i ideoloških dragocjenosti, s predmetima cal and ideological values, with items made from pres-
od prestižnih egzotičnih materijala, izravno upućuju tigious exotic materials, directly indicating that this is an
kako je ovdje riječ o arheološkoj baštini iznimne važ- archaeological heritage of exceptional importance. Its
nosti. Njihova nam je analiza pokazala, naime, niz naj- analysis has shown us, in fact, a number of different in-
različitijih utjecaja, koji odražavaju kontakte brojnih fluences, reflecting numerous contacts of economic and
gospodarskih i kulturnih sprega ponajprije iz alpskog cultural unions primarily from the Alpine and the Ital-
i italskog prostora, zatim na pritjecanje iz grčko-ma- ic area, then the influx from the Greek-Macedonian mi-
kedonskog miljea te napokon na one iz keltskog kul- lieu and finally those from the Celtic cultural area of the
turnog prostora srednjoeuropskog željeznog doba. S Central European Iron Age. On the other hand, with
druge strane, a s obzirom na određene prepoznatljive respect to certain identifiable and unique forms of jewel-
i jedinstvene forme nakita i/ili nošnje, smatra se da su lery and/or costume, it is considered that some of them
se neke od njih morale proizvoditi upravo u mjesnim had to be produced in these local workshops which, of
obrtničkim radionicama, što, dakako, potvrđuje pro- course, confirms profiling of Osor and in the existence
filiranje Osora i u iznimno važnoj gospodarskoj grani of the important economic branch – the production.
As a rule the finds of material culture arrived to us in a
U pravilu, nalazi materijalne kulture do nas su pri- reduced number and ratio. Therefore, the careful ana-
spjeli reduciranim brojem i omjerom. Zbog toga nam lyzes and interpretations of existing objects directly
pomno analiziranje i ispravno tumačenje postoje- and intensively addresses the extraordinary range of
ćih predmeta neposredno i snažno progovara o izu- cultural contact of that time, but, in their background,
zetnom spektru kulturnih doticaja onoga vremena, it demonstrates numerous complex socio-economic
ali, u njihovoj pozadini, i o mnogim složenim druš- relations. It appears, however, even more important to
tveno-ekonomskim odnosima. Čini se, međutim, još point out how all these objects directly confirm the sta-
važnijim istaknuti; kako svi ti predmeti odražavaju i tus of the Iron Age Osor.
neposrednu potvrdu o statusu željeznodobnog Oso-
18 In Greek Geography of the 4th cent. BC existed clear conceptions of the
grafiji Europe. Po njima se Dunav dijeli u dva toka, od kojih zapadni utječe u hydrography of Europe. According to them the Danube was divided into two
sjeverni Jadran, a drugi, istočni, u Crno more. Zapadni tok obilježava u biti streams – the western one running in to the northern Adriatic, and the other,
trgovački put koji je tekao Savom i Posavinom do sjevernog Jadrana (Katičić eastern one, in to the Black Sea. The western one marked essentially the trade
1995, 45). route that followed Sava and Posavina to the northern Adriatic (Katičić 1995,
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