Page 185 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 185
su polovice ispunjene dodatnom dekoracijom, npr. were filled with additional decoration – for example
delfinima, po čemu se ističu situla iz Nezakcija365 i dru- dolphins. Such was the situla from Nesactium365 and
ga situla iz Rijeke, s jedinom dobrom paralelom kod si- the second example from Rijeka, exhibiting good par-
tule iz picenske Offide (sl. 64E).366 allel with situlae from Offida in Picenum (Fig. 64E).366

Trima jedinima zvonastim situlama sa sjevernog Ja- The detailed analysis of the only three bell-shaped situ- partnerstvo ... ■ the partnership ... 185
drana, detaljniju analizu umanjuje stupanj očuva- lae discovered in the northern Adriatic was reduced by
nosti te njihovo, ne sasvim jasno, podrijetlo. Prema their state of preservation and their less than clear or-
navedenim paralelama, a s obzirom na tehnologiju igin. According to the listed parallels, and taking into
izradbe i načine ukrašavanja, riječke i nezakcijske se consideration the technology of their fabrication and
zvonaste situle povezuju uz širenje helenističkog stila ways of decoration, the bell-shaped situlae from Rijeka
i uže smještaju na kraj 4. ili početak 3. st. pr. Kr. Izrav- and the Nesactium should be associated with the ex-
no su povezane uz etruščanske ili etrurizirane radio- pansion of the Hellenistic style and dated to the end of
nice koje su izvozile svoje proizvode posredstvom Pi- the 4th or the beginning of the 3rd cent. BC. They were
cena ili ispostavljenih emporija Verucchia i Spine na directly associated with the Etruscan or workshops
suprotnu jadransku obalu. Činjenica ne predstav- producing under their influence that exported their
lja nikakvu novost u dosadašnjim spoznajama o kul- products through Picenum or issued emporia of Ver-
turnim odnosima tih regija, ali svakako i po primjeru ucchio and Spina to the opposite Adriatic coast. The
umjetničkog obrta vrhunske kvalitete i visokovrijed- fact is no newness in the current state of knowledge
nog značenja predstavlja potvrdu istovrijednih ko- about the cultural relations of these regions, but cer-
munikacijskih i kulturnih dostignuća dviju jadran- tainly an example of artistic crafts of high quality and
skih obala. of high value of meaning it represents a confirmation of
equivalent communication and cultural achievements
Ulomak brončane posude sa srcolikom atašom iz osta- of the two Adriatic coasts.
ve/groba u Baški367 valja razmatrati u istom kulturnom Fragment of a bronze vessel with a heart-shaped at-
ambijentu. Sačuvana je izuzetno malim ulomkom pa taché from the hoard/grave in Baška367 should be con-
joj je bliže tipološko definiranje onemogućeno. Kon- sidered in the same cultural ambiance. Preserved was
tekst nalaza određuje ju najvjerojatnije vremenu 3. st. an extremely small fragment consequently disabling its
pr. Kr. i povezuje uz određene mjesne radionice koje closer typological definition. The context determines
the discovery most likely to the period of the 3rd cent.

365 Mihovilić 2013, sl. 183. 365 Mihovilić 2013, sl. 183.
366 D 'Ercole 1977, 71, 73, B 351; Pignocchi 2000, 70, Fig. 95, 336; Lucentini 2002, 34-35. 366 D‘Ercole1977,71,73,B351;Pignocchi2000,70,Fig.95,336;Lucentini2002,34-35.
367 Vinski 1956, 19-30, Abb. 1a-4. 367 Vinski 1956, 19-30, Abb. 1a-4.
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