Page 182 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 182
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 182 osobitom dekoracijom, potječu vjerojatno iz prosto- (Fig. 64A-D; 65). Five fragments of bronze sheet were
ra prapovijesne nekropole u Rijeci (sl. 64A-B, D). Svi probably originating from the area of the prehistoric
su izrađeni od tankog iskucanog brončanog lima, dok necropolis in Rijeka (Fig. 64A-B, D). All were made of
su ukrasni motivi izvedeni urezivanjem i punciranjem, thin embossed bronze sheet, while the decorative mo-
s višestrukim prepletom i, djelomično održanim »sr- tifs were made by incising and punching, with multiple
colikim« ukrasom.356 Prema rasporedu i maniri ukra- intertwining and partly preserved »heart-shaped« or-
šavanja sa sigurnošću su rekonstruirane dvije posude. naments.356 According to the division and manner of
Pripisuju se tzv. tipu F zvonastih situla prema općenitoj decorating with can certainty reconstruct two vessels.
podjeli Marie-Vittorie Giuliani Pomes, koja je u novije They are attributed to the so-called F type of bell-shaped
vrijeme i nadopunjena.357 situlae, according to the division of Maria-Vittoria Gi-
uliani Pomes, which was recently also complemented.357
Uzor ili nastanak takvih posuda postavljen je u vrije-
me klasičnog grčkog razdoblja 5. st. pr. Kr. kada su se Model or the appearance of such vessels is set at the
za nošenje ili prinošenje vode, ali i za miješanje vode s time of the classical Greek period in the 5th cent. BC
vinom, počele upotrebljavati male tzv. χάδος posude.358 when for carrying of water, but also for mixing of wa-
Svoj će vrhunac proizvodnje i upotrebe doživjeti tije- ter with wine, began to be use the so-called small χάδος
kom 4. i ranog 3. st. pr. Kr., ponajprije u »helenističkom vessels.358 Their production culminated during the 4th
svijetu« i, paralelno, u Etruriji i s njom povezanim po- and early 3rd cent. BC, primarily in the »Hellenistic
dručjima gdje se uobičajeno koristila pod nazivom si- world« and, in parallel, in Etruria and with the later
tula.359 Riječ je o posudama koje se povezuju s manife- related areas where they were usually called situlae.359
stacijama simpozija, banketa i svečanosti gdje su vino These were vessels that were connect the events of the
i afrodizične trave bile neizbježno sredstvo opuštanja symposium, banquets and ceremonies where wine and
i podizanja duhovne te fizičke energije koje vode bla- aphrodisiac herbs were inevitably means of relaxation
ženstvu.360 Najvjerojatnije, ili gotovo sigurno, koristi- and rising of spiritual and physical energy leading to the
le su se u svrhu ceremonijalnog miješanja i/ili filtrira- blessedness.360 Almost certainly, they were used for the
nja vina.361 Međutim, njihova je uporaba znatno šira i purpose of the ceremonial mixing and/or filtering of
the wine.361 However, their use was much broader and
356 Blečić Kavur 2010, T. 18, 299-302.
357 Giuliani Pomes 1957, 66-76. 356 Blečić Kavur 2010, T. 18, 299-302.
358 Pojavu i razvoj situla u mediteranskom svijetu vidjeti kod E. Walters (1988), 357 Giuliani Pomes 1957, 66-76.
358 For the appearance and development of situlae in the Mediterranean world
koja donosi i njihov ikonografski pregled, odnosno značaj.
359 Giuliani-Pomes 1957, 66-67; Zahlhaas 1971, 7, T. 1; Zimmermann 1998, 47-48. see E. Walters (1988), which demonstrates their iconographic overview and in-
360 Burkert 1990, 289, 293-294. terpretation.
361 Zahlhaas 1971, 71; Ceka 1988, 360; Zimmermann 1998, 47; Rolley 2002b, 57; 359 Giuliani-Pomes 1957, 66-67; Zahlhaas 1971, 7, T. 1; Zimmermann 1998, 47-48.
360 Burkert 1990, 289, 293-294.
Kottaridi 2004, 65-71. Vino se ceremonijalno miješalo s medom i začinskim 361 Zahlhaas 1971, 71; Ceka 1988, 360; Zimmermann 1998, 47; Rolley 2002b, 57;
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