Page 189 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 189
edonskog dvora.372 Naime, iz povijesnih je izvo- ciated with a wider aristocratic range of the Macedo- partnerstvo ... ■ the partnership ... 189
ra prihvaćeno mnijenje kako su upravo Makedonci, nian court.372 Since from historical sources is accepted
pogotovo slavni Filip i Aleksandar, te ostali od Grka the opinion that it was the Macedonians, especially the
zvani »Barbari« uključujući i Ilire, pili čisto nerazri- famous Philip and Alexander, and other by the Greeks
jeđeno vino, što objašnjava takvu popularnost oblika called »Barbarians« including the Illyrians, which were
upravo na makedonskom i njemu širem interesnom drinking pure undiluted wine, explaining the popular-
prostoru.373 Sukladno nalazišnim kontekstima raskoš- ity of this form just in the Macedonian and its broad-
nih grobova i grobnica povijesnih Makedonije i Traki- er area.373 According to the discovery contexts of lavish
je, vremenski su smještene u sredinu i drugu polovicu graves and tombs of the historic Macedonia and Thra-
4. st. pr. Kr.374 ce, they were dated in to the middle and second half of
the 4th cent. BC.374
Vrijeme je to vrhunca makedonske luksuzne, umjet- It was a period of the peak of Macedonian luxurious
ničko-obrtničke produkcije koja se razvijala s rastom art-craft production that developed with the growth of
makedonske moći, odnosno s njihovom kasnokla- the Macedonian power, and with their late classical ex-
sičnom ekspanzijom diljem Sredozemlja i Europe. pansion throughout the Mediterranean and Europe.
Možemo ih zato razumijevati u širem spletu tekovi- We can therefore understand them in the broader in-
na makedonskog toreutičkog stvaralaštva, u kontek- terlacing of achievements of the Macedonian toreutic
stu najrazličitijih makedonskih diplomatskih, kao i creativity, in the context of various Macedonian diplo-
promotivnih poslovanja s drugim važnim središtima matic and promotional operations with other import-
moći i njihovim profiliranim tržištima. Ponajviše se to ant centres of power and their profiled markets. Above
odnosi na Etruriju i keltsku ekumenu, tj. na potvrđene all, this applies to Etruria, the Celtic oecumene, i.e. the
kontakte dugih razdaljina koji su se ostvarivali upravo confirmed long distance contacts performed across
preko jadranskog bazena (sl. 65; 67).375 Istočnojadran- the Adriatic basin (Fig. 65; 67).375 The eastern Adriatic
sko priobalje u spletu tih odnosa i u optjecanju takvih coastline was certainly not in the web of these relations,
dobara, a na sjecištu toliko snažnih kulturnih ambi- in the circulation of such goods, and at the crossroads
jenata i ambicija, zasigurno nije bilo podcjenjivano of so many strong cultural environments and ambition,
ili izostavljano, što situla iz Karina, tj. specifični subjekti underestimated or omitted – as situla from Karin, i.e.
stamnoidne situle iz Novog Vinodolskog i Nezakcija the specific subject’s of stamnoid situlae from Novi Vino-
uvjerljivo i još jednom potvrđuju.
372 Barr-Sharrar 1982, 129-130. 372 Barr-Sharrar 1982, 129-130.
373 Barr-Sharrar 1982, 130; Barr-Sharrar 2000, 279. 373 Barr-Sharrar 1982, 130; Barr-Sharrar 2000, 279.
374 Blečić Kavur 2012. 374 Blečić Kavur 2012.
375 Blečić Kavur, Kavur 2010; usp. Rolley 1987, 347-349. 375 Blečić Kavur, Kavur 2010; cf. Rolley 1987, 347-349.
ra prihvaćeno mnijenje kako su upravo Makedonci, nian court.372 Since from historical sources is accepted
pogotovo slavni Filip i Aleksandar, te ostali od Grka the opinion that it was the Macedonians, especially the
zvani »Barbari« uključujući i Ilire, pili čisto nerazri- famous Philip and Alexander, and other by the Greeks
jeđeno vino, što objašnjava takvu popularnost oblika called »Barbarians« including the Illyrians, which were
upravo na makedonskom i njemu širem interesnom drinking pure undiluted wine, explaining the popular-
prostoru.373 Sukladno nalazišnim kontekstima raskoš- ity of this form just in the Macedonian and its broad-
nih grobova i grobnica povijesnih Makedonije i Traki- er area.373 According to the discovery contexts of lavish
je, vremenski su smještene u sredinu i drugu polovicu graves and tombs of the historic Macedonia and Thra-
4. st. pr. Kr.374 ce, they were dated in to the middle and second half of
the 4th cent. BC.374
Vrijeme je to vrhunca makedonske luksuzne, umjet- It was a period of the peak of Macedonian luxurious
ničko-obrtničke produkcije koja se razvijala s rastom art-craft production that developed with the growth of
makedonske moći, odnosno s njihovom kasnokla- the Macedonian power, and with their late classical ex-
sičnom ekspanzijom diljem Sredozemlja i Europe. pansion throughout the Mediterranean and Europe.
Možemo ih zato razumijevati u širem spletu tekovi- We can therefore understand them in the broader in-
na makedonskog toreutičkog stvaralaštva, u kontek- terlacing of achievements of the Macedonian toreutic
stu najrazličitijih makedonskih diplomatskih, kao i creativity, in the context of various Macedonian diplo-
promotivnih poslovanja s drugim važnim središtima matic and promotional operations with other import-
moći i njihovim profiliranim tržištima. Ponajviše se to ant centres of power and their profiled markets. Above
odnosi na Etruriju i keltsku ekumenu, tj. na potvrđene all, this applies to Etruria, the Celtic oecumene, i.e. the
kontakte dugih razdaljina koji su se ostvarivali upravo confirmed long distance contacts performed across
preko jadranskog bazena (sl. 65; 67).375 Istočnojadran- the Adriatic basin (Fig. 65; 67).375 The eastern Adriatic
sko priobalje u spletu tih odnosa i u optjecanju takvih coastline was certainly not in the web of these relations,
dobara, a na sjecištu toliko snažnih kulturnih ambi- in the circulation of such goods, and at the crossroads
jenata i ambicija, zasigurno nije bilo podcjenjivano of so many strong cultural environments and ambition,
ili izostavljano, što situla iz Karina, tj. specifični subjekti underestimated or omitted – as situla from Karin, i.e.
stamnoidne situle iz Novog Vinodolskog i Nezakcija the specific subject’s of stamnoid situlae from Novi Vino-
uvjerljivo i još jednom potvrđuju.
372 Barr-Sharrar 1982, 129-130. 372 Barr-Sharrar 1982, 129-130.
373 Barr-Sharrar 1982, 130; Barr-Sharrar 2000, 279. 373 Barr-Sharrar 1982, 130; Barr-Sharrar 2000, 279.
374 Blečić Kavur 2012. 374 Blečić Kavur 2012.
375 Blečić Kavur, Kavur 2010; usp. Rolley 1987, 347-349. 375 Blečić Kavur, Kavur 2010; cf. Rolley 1987, 347-349.