Page 203 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 203
eni oblikovni i ukrasni elementi određuju osorske ral motives, tendrils of vine, ivy and leaves, then mytho- partnerstvo ... ■ the partnership ... 203
ulomke tzv. srednjoj fazi Gnathia stila koja je značajna logical and animal motifs and female profiles between
za drugu polovicu 4. st. pr. Kr.409 Međutim, i ovdje se tendrils. These decorative elements determine the
izdvajaju figuralno ukrašeni ulomci (sl. 73). Ulomak ti- fragments from Osor to the so-called middle phase
jela posude (vrča?) s prikazanim ženskim profilom iz- of Gnathian style significant for the second half of the
među vitica u otisku,410 ulomak tijela posude (vrča?) s 4th cent. BC.409 However here too we are dealing with
krilatom rukom oslikanom bijelom bojom i ulomak figural decorated fragments (Fig. 73). A fragment of
izvijenog vrata i ruba vrča tipa oinochoe s bijelo oslika- the body of a vessel (jug?) showing a female profile be-
nom trakom, mogu se tako bliže opredijeliti Dune- tween tendrils in reflection,410 fragment of the body of
din grupi, inačici Sidewinder.411 Istoj grupi pridružuju a container (jug?) with a winged hand painted in white
se i uobičajeni veći i masivni ulomci velikih i dubo- and fragment of the neck and the edge of a jug of oino-
kih zdjela s prikazima spuštenih loza, grozdova, žire- choe type with a white painted stripe, can be so closer
va po tijelima posuda i s oslikanim motivom jajastog attributed to the Dunedin group, version of the Sidewind-
štapa (tzv. jonske kime, ovulima), točkicama i listići- er.411 To the same group could be attributed the usual
ma uz rubove posuda i po njihovim tijelima uz deblje massive fragments of large and deep bowls with imag-
crvene trake kao okvirima pojedinih slikanih površi- es of suspended vine, and acorns and with the painted
na.412 U toj grupi mogu se razmatrati i ulomci kratera i decoration in the form of the painted ovules (aka. Ion-
drugih dosad neobjavljenih zdjela. S područja Kvarne- ian kyme), dots and leaves along the edges of the vessel
ra takve primjerke zasad poznajemo jedino iz Osora, a and their bodies with thick red stripes as frameworks
dopremali su se iz Taranta (Dunedin skupina kerami- of individual painted surfaces.412 In this group could be
ke) i Mesapije (duboke zdjele).413 considered the fragments of craters and other previ-
ously unpublished bowls. On the area of K​ varner such
Nadalje, tijekom 3. i 2. st. pr. Kr., uvozila se i kerami- finds are so far known only from Osor, and they were
ka tzv. kasne faze Gnathia stila. Nju obilježava specifič- imported from Taranto (Dunedin group of ceramics)
na faktura i način ukrašavanja gustih kanelura po tijeli- and Mesapia (deep bowl).413
ma, zbog čega je prostor za slikanje reduciran samo na Furthermore, during the 3rd and 2nd cent. BC was im-
središnji dio posuda. Tom keramičkom stilu tzv. Ka- ported the pottery of the so-called late phase of Gnath-

409 Green 2001, 57-59. 409 Green 2001, 57-59.
410 Faber 1980, sl. 13, 1. 410 Faber 1980, sl. 13, 1.
411 Miše 2012, 234-235; usp. Green 2001, 59-60. 411 Miše 2012, 234-235; cf. Green 2001, 59-60.
412 Faber 1980, sl. 13, 2-3. Autorica, bez odstupanja, navodi kako je keramika tih ti- 412 Faber 1980, sl. 13, 2-3. The author, without exception, declared that the pottery

poloških obilježja istražena uz supstrukcije i uokolo iskopavanjima definiranih of these typological features was discovered beside the substructures and the
gradskih bedema i ulaza. defined city walls and entrances.
413 Miše 2012, 234-235; Miše 2013, 103-104. 413 Miše 2012, 234-235; Miše 2013, 103-104.
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