Page 208 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 208
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 208 nuzijske grupe sjevernoapulske regije414 može se pripi- ian style. It was defined by the specific facture and
sati nekoliko ulomaka gusto kaneliranih tijela trbuha decoration with the dense grooves on the bodies –
vrčeva tipa oinochoa ili čaša tipa skyphos te ulomci nji- consequently making the space for painted decora-
hovih nogu i ručkica (sl. 74). Nalazi se gotovo na svim tion reduced only to the central part of the vessel. To
istraživanim nalazištima Kvarnera od Nezakcija415 i this ceramic style, the so-called Canosa vases from the
Osora preko Krka pa sve do sjevernijih Kastva i ćića- northern Apulian region414 can be attributed several
rijskog Lupoglava.416 fragments with dense grooves on the belly of oinoch-
oe type jugs or skyphos type cups as well as fragments
Gnathia keramika dopremala se na naša područja iz of their legs and handles (Fig. 74). They were located on
južnoitalskih radionica ponajviše Taranta, Mesapije i almost at all the excavated sites of the Kvarner – from
Canose. Svakako su brojnošću i različitošću Gnathia Nesactium415 and Osor, Krk all the way to Kastav in the
posude srednjeg i kasnog stila zastupljene na područ- north and Lupoglav.416
ju Dalmacije417 i to najvećim dijelom na priobalju, a Gnathian ware was imported mainly from Taranto,
iznimno i u njezinom zaleđu (sl. 75).418 Zanimljivo je Mesapia and Canosa workshops. In Dalmatia are in
istaknuti kako u Osoru, pa tako i na sjevernom Ja- great number and diversity present Gnathian vases of
dranu uopće, nije zabilježena regionalna keramika middle and late style 417 – mostly in coastal areas and
tzv. isejske Gnathia produkcije s Visa. Navedeno, još exceptionally in its hinterland (Fig 75).418 It is interest-
jednom svjedoči o intenzivnim vezama koje je sje- ing to point out that in Osor, as well as in the north-
vernojadranski prostor uživao izravno s onim južno- ern Adriatic in general, the so-called Issa Gnathian ce-
italskim.419 ramics productions have been not registered. Again, all
this testifies to the intensive relationship between the
Posljednjih desetljeća 4. st. pr. Kr. u nasuprotnim se northern Adriatic and the southern Italic area.419
etruščanskim središtima sjevernog Jadrana počela In the last decades of the 4th cent. BC in the opposing
proizvoditi posebna keramika tzv. tipa Alto Adriatico Etruscan centres of the northern Adriatic they start-

414 Miše 2012, 236, k. 2. 414 Miše 2012, 236, k. 2.
415 Mihovilić 2013, 278, sl. 208-209. 415 Mihovilić 2013, 278, sl. 208-209.
416 Blečić 2002, T. 13; Mihovilić 2002, T. 5, 1-2, 4; Miše 2010, 109-110, k. 4; Mihovilić 416 Blečić 2002, T. 13; Mihovilić 2002, T. 5, 1-2, 4; Miše 2010, 109-110, k. 4; Miho-

2013, 282, sl. 214. Mihovilić 2013, 282: nekropolu Veli Mišinac na Kastvu nespre- vilić 2013, 282, sl. 214. Mihovilić 2013, 282: necropolis Veli Mišinac on Kastav
tno određuje kao »liburnsko-japodsku« datirajući je pri tomu u »srednji la- was awkwardly defined as »liburnian-japodian« dating back in the »Middle
ten«!? La Tène«!?
417 Kirigin et al. 2006, 206, Fig. 12; Čargo 2007, 24-30; Miše 2010; Miše 2012; Miše 417 Kirigin et al. 2006, 206, Fig. 12; Čargo 2007, 24-30; Miše 2010; Miše 2012; Miše
2013. 2013.
418 Miše 2010, k. 4; usp. i Marić 1995, T. 9-11; Paškvalin 2002, 528-529, T. III, 3-4. 418 Miše 2010, k. 4; usp. i Marić 1995, T. 9-11; Paškvalin 2002, 528-529, T. III, 3-4.
419 Miše 2010, 115-135, 327-328, k. 5. 419 Miše 2010, 115-135, 327-328, k. 5.
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