Page 199 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 199
jadranskog priobalja i južnoapeninskog prosto- later phases of Daunian production.391 To this group partnerstvo ... ■ the partnership ... 199
ra italskih civilizacija, pozornosti su vrijedne tzv. nove belong several fragments of light brown to light gray
vaze, odnosno posude iz kasnije faze daunijske pro- fine pottery decorated with several horizontal paint-
dukcije.391 Njima će pripadati nekoliko ulomaka svi- ed strip and parallel lines (Fig. 70). Mostly they have a
jetlosmeđe do svijetlosive fine keramike ukrašene s monochrome matte brown coating and are rarely poly-
nekoliko horizontalnih oslikanih traka i paralelnih li- chrome with brown and brownish-red coating. Splen-
nija (sl. 70). Najčešće su monokromnog, mat smeđeg did parallels of the entire service of vessels and of the
premaza, a rjeđe polikromnog, smeđeg i smeđe-cr- ceramic production can be observed in the grave units
venog premaza. Raskošne paralele čitavog servisa po- in Nesactium392 and in fragments from the settlement
suda te keramičke proizvodnje mogu se vidjeti kod layers of Rovinj.393 This was a pottery that was started to
grobnih cjelina u Nezakciju392 i kod ulomaka iz nase- be produced by the significant influence of the Greek
obinskih slojeva Rovinja.393 Riječ je o keramici koja se pottery and technology from the end of the 6th and
počela znatnije proizvoditi pod utjecajem grčke kera- during the 5th cent. BC in the area of Peucetia and Lu-
mike i tehnologije od kraja 6. i tijekom 5. st. pr. Kr. na cania.394 On the northern part and in the Daunian area
području Peucetije i Lukanije.394 Na sjevernijem dije- the so-called ceramics with stripes marked the end of the
lu i na prostoru Daunije ta tzv. keramika s trakama obi- 5th and 4th cent. BC.395 The same dating was attributed
lježila je kraj 5. i 4. st. pr. Kr.395 Upravo se tako određu- to the highest number of jugs from Nesactium, frag-
je i najveći broj nezakcijskih vrčeva, ulomka iz Rovinja ments from Rovinj and Osor. However, only a single
i iz Osora. Međutim, samo se jedan ulomak, ukrašen fragment, decorated with parallel stripes and tendrils
usporednim trakama i viticom bršljana (sl. 70A), pri- of ivy (Fig. 70A) is approaching the so-called ceram-
bližava tzv. keramici mješovitog stila.396 Predstavlja ju ics of the mixed style.396 It is characterized by the appli-
karakteristična primjena i geometrijskih, trakastih, i cation of geometric and floral motifs. It was produced
biljnih motiva. Kao proizvodno središte Daunije, od from the end of the 5th and throughout the 4th cent.
kraja 5. i tijekom čitavog 4. st. pr. Kr., posebno se za taj BC in Daunia where especially for that ceramics style
stil keramografije profilirao obrtnički krug Canose.397 was profiled the craft circle of Canosa.397

391 Yntema 1990, 337-345. 391 Yntema 1990, 337-345.
392 Mihovilić 2001, T. 11, 1-7; Mihovilić 2013, 260, 262, sl. 111, 188. 392 Mihovilić 2001, T. 11, 1-7; Mihovilić 2013, 260, 262, sl. 111, 188.
393 Matošević, Mihovilić 2004, T. 8, 4-6, 8-9, 11-12, 14. 393 Matošević, Mihovilić 2004, T. 8, 4-6, 8-9, 11-12, 14.
394 Nizzo 2007, 297-298. 394 Nizzo 2007, 297-298.
395 Yntema 1990, 338, 344-345; Nizzo 2007, 298-300 – sa starijom literaturom. 395 Yntema 1990, 338, 344-345; Nizzo 2007, 298-300 – with earlier literature.
396 Ulomak je bio neodgovarajuće atribuiran crvenoj slikanoj keramici (Lisičar 396 The fragment was inadequate attributed to red painted pottery (Lisičar 1973,

1973, 14, T. IX, 23; Faber 1980, 298, sl. 12, 5). 14, T. IX, 23; Faber 1980, 298, sl. 12, 5).
397 De Juliis 1997, 116-119; Nizzo 2007, 283-287. 397 De Juliis 1997, 116-119; Nizzo 2007, 283-287.
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