Page 227 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 227
Mali željezni noževi. Small iron knives. praskozorje nove epohe ■ the dawn of a new era 227

primjerena i za osorske strigile starijeg tipa, mada je ti- er types of strigili from Osor, although their typological
pološka karakteristika značajnija za 2./1. st. pr. Kr. U characteristics are important for the 2nd/1st cent. BC. In
razumijevanju konteksta povijesnih prilika, navedeni understanding the context of historical circumstances,
se strigili također dovode u prisniju vezu s povećanim the known strigili could be linked to the increased ar-
dolaskom vojnih postrojbi tijekom republikanskog rival of military units during the Republican presence in
prisustva na Osoru. Tezu argumentiraju i dva pečata, Osor. This thesis is supported by two seals which guar-
kao jamstvo kvalitete njihove izrade. Pečati su pravo- antee the quality of their production. They are rectan-
kutnog oblika konkavnih stranica, postavljeni u obli- gular in shape with concave sides, placed in a T-shaped
ku slova T, što je najbrojniji tip pečata (forma Aquileia form, which is the characteristic of the most numerous
IB) proizvodnjom usko povezan uz akvilejske radioni- type of seals (forma Aquileia IB) linked with the work-
ce 1. st. pr. Kr.460 shops in Aquileia in the 1st cent. BC.460
As elements of personal equipment small iron knives
Osobnoj opremi mogu se pripisati i mali željezni no- should be considered. Two smaller knives have a tang-
ževi. Dva manja noža označava trnast rukohvat u istoj shaped grip running in the same line with an extended
liniji s proširenim sječivom blago zakrivljene profila- blade of a slightly curved profile (Fig. 87). On one side,
cije (sl. 87). S jedne strane, ispod hrpta, nalaze se dva/ below the back, are located two/three parallel grooves.
tri usporedna žlijeba. Naime, vrlo srodni, gotovo iden- In fact, very similar, almost identical specimens are
tični primjerci potječu iz nekropole Vinice, gdje su za- known from the necropolis in Vinica, where resent in
stupljeni i u bogatijim grobovima žena, često s pin- richer female graves, often with tweezers and fibulae
cetama i fibulama srednjolatenskih shema mlađih of middle La Tène scheme of younger versions, and

460 Giovannini, Maggi 1994, 612-613. 460 Giovannini, Maggi 1994, 612-613.
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