Page 231 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 231
20-ak primjeraka različitih oblika i težina.465 Za- weight.465 Interesting are certainly two projectiles with praskozorje nove epohe ■ the dawn of a new era 231
nimljivost predstavljaju svakako dva taneta koja su na inscriptions.466 Heterogeneity of the sling-shots, as well
sebi sadržavala i natpis.466 Heterogenost tanadi, kao i as the inscriptions on the surfaces were characteristic
ispisivanje njihovih površina, obilježilo je naime repu- for the Republican period, associated with military ac-
blikansko razdoblje, mahom povezano uz vojne aktiv- tivities around the establishment of Aquileia and ac-
nost uokolo osnivanja Akvileje i akcija usmjerenih u tions aimed at the penetration to the »East«, during
prodiranju prema »istoku«, tijekom druge polovice 2. the second half of the 2nd and early 1st cent. BC. Later
i početkom 1. st. pr. Kr. Nakon toga vremena više nisu they were no longer in use.467
bili u upotrebi.467 If the described sling-shots can’t testify, then they will
surely meaningfully suggest the thesis of the political-
Ako opisana tanad ne može svjedočiti, tada će zasigur- ly oriented and strategically engaged position of Osor
no smisleno sugerirati u prilog tezi o politički usmjere- of that time - and the same is confirmed by several long
noj i strateški angažiranoj poziciji Osora toga doba, a spears (pilum) for fighting at a distance, spear points etc.
isto potvrđuju i nalazi nekoliko dugih sulica (pilum) za Affirmation of the same will provide secure results of
borbe na daljinu, vrhovi koplja itd. analyzed stratigraphy of certain locations in the city.
In fact, research demonstrated that the existing build-
Afirmaciju u istome pružit će i sigurnije uporište re- ing, for various purposes, mostly adapted or captivated
zultata analizirane stratigrafije pojedinih gradskih new cultural conditions. Osor was not demolished and
pozicija. Naime, istraživanja su dokazala kako su se re-planned city, since the city walls and gates, south-
postojeće građevine, različitih namjena, najvećim di- ern and western just maintain a permanent continui-
jelom prilagođavale ili podređivale novim kultur- ty of construction.468 Furthermore, good fundamen-
nim uvjetima. Osor nije bio porušen i ponovo plani- tals for such a reflection will provide the relatively new
ran grad, jer bedemi i gradska vrata, južna i zapadna, discoveries of huge ceramic vessels (dolia) excavated
upravo održavaju trajni kontinuitet gradnje.468 Nada- in the western part of the city,469 which is in turn con-
lje, dobre osnove u tome promišljanju pružiti će i re- firmed the use for storage of goods in military camps
lativno noviji nalazi ogromnih keramičkih spremišta or encampments. To them should be certainly add-
(dolija) istraženih na zapadnom dijelu grada469 kojima
se pak potvrđuje upotreba za skladištenja roba u voj-

465 Dva olovna primjerka tanadi nekad su bila pohranjena u zbirci AMI u Puli i 465 The two lead sling-shots were stored in the collection of AMI in Pula and pu-
objavljena su već u stručnoj literaturi (Matijašić 1984, 65, T. IV, 49-50). blished already in the professional literature (Matijašić 1984, 65, T. IV, 49-50).

466 Sacken 1879, 150; Benndorf 1880, 79. 466 Sacken 1879, 150; Benndorf 1880, 79.
467 Usp. Horvat 1993; Laharnar 2011. 467 Cf. Horvat 1993; Laharnar 2011.
468 Faber 1980, 299. 468 Faber 1980, 299.
469 Čaušević-Bully 2008, 354-356; Ćus-Rukonić, Čaušević-Bully 2008, 259. 469 Čaušević-Bully 2008, 354-356; Ćus-Rukonić, Čaušević-Bully 2008, 259.
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