Page 28 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 28
nu količinu različitih i izrazito loše očuvanih, polomlje- incredible amount of different and very poorly preserved
nih, predmeta među kojima se posebno ističu jantarni broken items among which specially stand out the dec-
ukrasi. Dokumentacija o građi, načinu kopanja ili o sa- orations made from amber. Documentation about the
mim grobovima i njihovim cjelinama bila je i više nego finds, actual tombs and their entities was more than
skromna.28 modest.28

povezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 28 Na iskopavanja I. Bolmarčića ubrzo se, nakon njegova The excavations of I. Bolmarčić, soon after his depar-
odlaska u Krk,29 nadovezao i konzervator Stefano Pe- ture to Krk,29 were followed up by the conservator Ste-
tris, 1894. i 1897. godine. Rezultate svojih radova, istra- fano Petris in 1894 and 1897. He also published the re-
živanja i popise građe također je publicirao u istom sults of his work, research and descriptions of finds in
austrijskom glasilu KK Komisije.30 No za razliku od the same Austrian journal of the KK Commission.30
prijašnjih objava, Petrisovi su radovi doista bili isklju- But unlike previous releases, Petris papers were exclu-
čivo u obliku kratkih izvješća, tj. crtica. U pregled- sively in the form of short reports, i.e. sketches. In a re-
nom radu iz 1896. godine Aus Liburnien und Istrien ne- view paper from 1896 Aus Liburnien und Istrien several
koliko nalaza materijalne građe objelodanjuju Edward finds were brought to light by Edward Nowotny and
Nowotny i Piero Sticotti.31 Piero Sticotti.31
As demonstrated by the preserved sources from that
Kako kazuju sačuvani nam izvori iz toga vremena, time, Osor was back then undisputedly the richest site
Osor je tada neprikosnoveno najbogatije nalazište na in the northern Adriatic. The archaeological museum
sjevernom Jadranu, čije se građe žele domoći kako pul- in Pula just being established as well as the museums
ski arheološki muzej u osnivanju tako upravo i riječki i in Rijeka and Zagreb were trying to obtain some finds.
zagrebački muzeji. No građa je ipak ostala u Osoru za- But the discoveries remained in Osor – due to the fact
hvaljujući čemu je uskoro otvoren u gradskoj vijećnici that a museum presenting the prehistoric and Roman
i Muzej s postavom prapovijesne i rimske građe, 1889. finds was opened in the town hall in 1889.32 As such,
godine.32 Kao takav održao se, uz manje ili veće pro- with bigger or smaller changes, it persisted until the
mjene, sve do ratnih godina 20. stoljeća. years of war in the 20th century.

28 Benndorf 1880, 150; Milčetić 1884, 83-85; Marchesetti 1924, 140-141; usp. Faber 28 Benndorf 1880, 150; Milčetić 1884, 83-85; Marchesetti 1924, 140-141; cf. Faber
1980, 291, 1980, 291,

29 Ostavština od 4 fascikla nalazi se u biskupijskom arhivu u Krku (Velčić 2011, 29 Legacy of four folders is kept in the Diocesan Archives in Krk (Velčić 2011,
400). 400).

30 Petris 1895; Petris 1897. 30 Petris 1895; Petris 1897.
31 Nowotny, Sticotti 1896, 176. 31 Nowotny, Sticotti 1896, 176.
32 Milčetić 1884, 84-85. 32 Milčetić 1884, 84-85.
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