Page 33 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 33
locrtne situacije donosi za gradine Vela Straža na on 21 of them. He presented more detailed reports and
Cresu, Maslovnik, Polanžu, Laće, Halmac, Ilovicu, layouts of hill-forts Vela Straža on Cres, Maslovnik,
Skulku, Pelginju, Sv. Bartolomej i Halm.39 Ipak, pre- Polanža, Laće, Halmac, Ilovica, Skulka, Pelginja, St.
ostali su nam samo preliminarni izvještaji i šturi opi- Bartolomej and Halm.39 Still what he left us were just
si eventualnih stratigrafija, odnosno keramičke građe. sparse descriptions of possible stratigraphic sequences
Cjelokupna studija nije nikada priređena, a prikuplje- together with descriptions of ceramic finds. A compre-
ni nalazi materijalne kulture nisu bili strukturirani i hensive study was never prepared and the collected ma-
objavljivani.40 terial culture was not properly published.40

Prostor urbane jezgre Osora, oduvijek atraktivan i The territory of the urban kernel of Osor, always attrac- pregled ... ■ overview ... 33
zanimljiv, nastavili su istraživati od 1950. do 1954. Bo- tive and interesting was continuously explored from
ris Baćić kustos iz Arheološkog muzeja Istre (AMI) 1950 to 1954 by Boris Baćić, curator from the Archae-
u Puli i Andro Mohorovičić iz Hrvatske akademije ological Museum of Istria (AMI) in Pula and Andre
znanosti i umjetnosti (HAZU) u Zagrebu. B. Baćić Mohorovičić from the Croatian Academy of Scienc-
istraživao je pojedine dijelove gradskog areala prili- es and Arts (HAZU) in Zagreb. B. Baćić investigated
kom građevinskih radova. Najviše energije usmjerio individual parts of the city during construction works.
je u istraživanje visokog nasipa uz Kaštel 1953. godine, He focused mostly on the research of a high dyke along
s unutarnje strane zapadnih gradskih vrata, sa strati- the Kaštel in 1953. Located on the inner side of the city
grafijom od ranog brončanog do željeznog doba. Isti gates he discovered a stratigraphy ranging from the
je autor istraživao i dva tumula kod Belog.41 Građa Early Bronze Age to the Iron Age. He also excavated
je većinom pohranjena u AMI i do danas je ostala two tumuli near Beli.41 The discovered finds are mostly
neobjavljena. stored in the AMI and remain unpublished.
Rescue excavations continued in 1959 with Josip Mla-
Zaštitnim radovima 1959. godine nadovezao se i Josip din, also a curator of AMI in Pula, who explored a tu-
Mladin, također kustos iz AMI u Puli, koji istražuje mulus located near the today’s cemetery of St. Mary
tumul uz današnje osorsko groblje Sv. Marije prema on Bijar – this is on the extension of the eastern city
Bijaru, odnosno uz pružanje istočnog gradskog bede- walls. In this part of the town was probably located a
ma. Na tom dijelu grada vjerojatno se nalazila poveća larger necropolis with tumuli which was partially cut
nekropola pod tumulima, koju djelomično presijeca i through by the later construction of megalithic city
gradnja kasnijih, megalitskih gradskih bedema. On- walls. There were discovered in total seven graves with

39 Mirosavljević 1974, 271-290; usp. Glogović 1989; Ćus-Rukonić 2005. 39 Mirosavljević 1974, 271-290; cf. Glogović 1989; Ćus-Rukonić 2005.
40 Batović 2003, 256. Keramički fundus građe pohranjen je u HAZU u Zagrebu. 40 Batović 2003, 256. The ceramic material is kept in HAZU, Zagreb.
41 Batović 2003, 257. 41 Batović 2003, 257.
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