Page 36 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 36
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 36 dobro poznatim činjenicama, objavila je Jasminka sic topographical and historical but well-known facts
Ćus-Rukonić,51 tadašnja kustosica u Creskom i Lošinj- and only a small selection of material from the AZO
skom muzeju, kao i tek manji izbor građe iz AZO.52 were published by Jasminka Ćus-Rukonić,51 at the time
No glede topografskog i tipološkog poznavanja gra- a curator in the Cres and Lošinj Museum.52 But with
dinskih naselja na čitavom prostoru cresko-lošinjskog regard to topographical and typological knowledge of
otočja, posebno treba izdvojiti sintetske radove Nikole hill-forts from across the Cres-Lošinj archipelago, we
Stražičića ondašnjeg profesora s Pomorskog fakulteta have to put out the synthetic work of Nikola Stražičić,
u Rijeci,53 koji je sustavno pregledavao teren, određi- at the time professor at the Faculty of Maritime Stud-
vao stara i nova nalazišta, prikupljao brojnu, uglavnom ies in Rijeka.53 He systematically examining the terrain,
keramičku građu. determined the old and new sites and collected numer-
ous, mostly ceramic, finds.
Tijekom 80-ih i 90-ih godina prošlog stoljeća na po- During the 80s and 90s of the last century were in the
dručju Osora i njemu pripadajućeg šireg prostora pro- area of Osor and the adjacent wider territory conduct-
vodila su se isključivo zaštitna arheološka istraživanja. ed exclusively archaeological rescue excavations. They
U najvećoj mjeri provodio ih je Konzervatorski odjel were mostly carried out by the Conservation Depart-
Ministarstva kulture u Rijeci,54 a tek manji dio Lošinj- ment of the Ministry of Culture in Rijeka,54 and only
ski muzej i ostale institucije u suradnji.55 Na prostoru a small proportion by the Lošinj Museum collaborat-
gradske jezgre pozornost se ponajviše usmjeravala na ing with other institutions.55 On the territory of the
istraživanja i obnove sakralne i profane arhitekture te town’s kernel the attention was focused on the research
antičkog, rimskodobnog, kulturnog sloja grada. Pra- and restoration of sacral and secular architecture and
povijesni slojevi kao i pojedinačna nalazišta na širem antique, roman, cultural layers of the city. Prehistor-
prostoru gradskog areala uglavnom su ostala nedota- ic layers as well as individual sites in the wider area of
knuta. U istom smislu, 1984. godine u potpisu Jasmin- the city’s areal remained largely intact. In 1984 was in
ke Ćus-Rukonić, postavljen je i izložbeni postav AZO the same manner presented by Jasminka Ćus-Rukonić
s gotovo izuzetim prapovijesnim, iznimno vrijednim the exhibition of AZO with exceptional and extreme-
nasljeđem. ly valuable prehistoric finds.

51 Ćus-Rukonić 1982; Ćus-Rukonić 1998; Ćus-Rukonić 2005. 51 Ćus-Rukonić 1982; Ćus-Rukonić 1998; Ćus-Rukonić 2005
52 Ćus-Rukonić 1981; Ćus-Rukonić, Glogović 1989. 52 Ćus-Rukonić 1981; Ćus-Rukonić, Glogović 1989.
53 Stražičić 1981; Stražičić 1996b; Stražičić 1998. 53 Stražičić 1981; Stražičić 1996b; Stražičić 1998.
54 Usp. Blečić et al. 2006; Blečić, Sušanj 2007a; Blečić, Sušanj 2007b – s navede- 54 Cf. Blečić et al. 2006; Blečić, Sušanj 2007a; Blečić, Sušanj 2007b – with field,

nom terenskom, konzervatorskom i arhivskom dokumentacijom. conservation and archival documentation.
55 Šmalcelj 1991; Ćus-Rukonić, Šmalcelj 2012. 55 Šmalcelj 1991; Ćus-Rukonić, Šmalcelj 2012.
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