Page 35 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 35
14. Radmila Matejčić. pregled ... ■ overview ... 35

no iskopava pod vodstvom Aleksandre Faber.48 Obja- tion of Aleksandra Faber.48 Publishing mainly topo-
vivši uglavnom topografske i arhitektonske podatke graphical and architectural details of the city walls and
gradskih bedema i luka, autorica je djelomično pred- the port, the author only partially presented the results
stavila rezultate svojih istraživanja i pri tomu priku- of her research and the discovered finds – only a small
pljenu pokretnu građu, koja se samo manjim dijelom proportion of the later is kept in the collection since
čuva u zbirci, jer velika većina građe iz tih istraživanja the vast majority of discoveries from these excavations
nije pristigla u AZO. Njezin je doprinos svakako vri- were not transported to the AZO. As her major con-
jedan spoznaje kako se na širem, danas reduciranom, tribution she presented valuable insights in to the con-
gradskom arealu Osora nastanjivalo u kontinuitetu od tinuous occupation ranging from the Bronze Age on a
brončanog doba. broader urban complex of Osor.

Prva podvodna istraživanja osorskog akvatorija pro- The first underwater research of Osor’s aquatorium
vodila je Radmila Matejčić (sl. 14), ondašnja kustosi- was conducted by Radmila Matejčić (Fig. 14), who
ca u Pomorskom i povijesnom muzeju Hrvatskoga was at the time the curator at the Maritime and Histo-
primorja i konzervatorica u Konzervatorskom odjelu ry Museum of the Croatian Litoral and conservator at
Ministarstva kulture u Rijeci,49 zajedno s Marijanom the Conservation Department of the Ministry of Cul-
Orlićem iz tadašnjeg Republičkog zavoda za zaštitu ture in Rijeka,49 and Marijan Orlić from the Repub-
spomenika Ministarstva kulture.50 Nekoliko pregled- lic Institute for the Protection of Monuments at the
nih radova s osnovnim topografskim i povijesnim, već Ministry of Culture.50 Several review articles with ba-

48 Faber 1974; Faber 1976; Faber 1980; Faber 1982; Faber 2000. 48 Faber 1974; Faber 1976; Faber 1980; Faber 1982; Faber 2000.
49 Cetinić 1991. 49 Cetinić 1991.
50 Matejčić 1976; Matejčić, Orlić 1982; Orlić 1986. 50 Matejčić 1976; Matejčić, Orlić 1982; Orlić 1986.
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