Page 83 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 83
epoočničarke, a samo ona pripadnica vrha druš- of earrings, especially if they were made from precious povezanost ... ■ a coherence ... 83
tvene elite i sljepoočničarke izrađene pozlatom ili od metals, had a direct role in the imposing of superior,
srebra. U tipološkom smislu, njihovo nošenje ili ko- sublime, sacred and divine.123 Therefore it is understand-
rištenje, ako je suditi prema fibulama, odnosno širim able that only exceptional women in Kvarner could
kontekstima pojedinih nalazišta, moralo je biti u modi wear earrings/temporal rings, while only members of
sve od 5. pa do 3. st. pr. Kr. Ostaje, međutim, nerazrije- the top of the social elite were able to wear gold plated
šeno jesu li naušnice kvarnerskog tipa bile znak samo or silver earrings. In typological terms, their wear and
profane ili samo svete superiornosti, ili su vjerojatnije use, judging by the fibulae, or taking into consideration
pokazatelj dostojanstva u oba smisla. the more general contexts of individual sites, they had
to be in fashion from the 5th to the 3rd cent. BC. It re-
Jantarne perle mains, however, unresolved whether the Kvarner type
earrings were a sign of just profane or sacred superiority
Na osorskoj je Kavaneli nađeno pravo bogatstvo jan- only, or is more likely indicator of dignity in both senses.
tara.124 Velik dio jantarnih perli uništen je pri rituali-
ma spaljivanja i pokopavanjima, mnogo njih je izgu- Amber beads
bljeno i propalo. Gotovo su sve jantarne perle, izuzev
onih na fibulama, bez pobližeg konteksta nalaženja. A real treasure of amber was discovered on Kavanela
Vrlo ih je teško kronološki opredijeliti i zbog toga što in Osor.124 Much of the amber beads were destroyed
većina njih pripada jednostavnim okruglim, ovalnim in the burning and burial rituals, many of them were
oblicima koji su bili izuzetno dugo u uporabi (sl. 31). S lost and ruined. Almost all of the amber beads, except
obzirom na tipološka obilježja općenito se mogu ra- the ones attached to fibulae, lack a more detailed con-
zumijevati varijantama 7b, 8b, 9 i 12b tipova perli pre- text of discovery. Since most of them belong to a sim-
ma tipologiji Aleksandra Palavestre,125 univerzalno ple round, oval shapes that were used for an extreme-
korištenima tijekom kraja starijeg i mlađeg željeznog ly long period of time it is difficult to determine them
doba na obama stranama jadranskog bazena.126 Izdvo- chronologically (Fig. 31). Given the typological charac-
jeno je i nekoliko perli koje se mogu bliže povezati uz teristics they can be generally considered as variants 7b,
valjkaste primjerke tip 6 i trokutaste tipa 30 i varijanti. 8b, 9 and 12b of types of beads according to the typol-
Srodne primjerke nalazimo u japodskom kulturnom ogy of Aleksandar Palavestra.125 These forms were uni-
prostoru, posebno u Prozoru, a zanimljivo je da upra- versally used from the end of the Early and during the
Late Iron Age on both sides of the Adriatic.126 Several

124 Usp. Sacken 1879; Benndorf 1880. 123 On these topics see in detail at B. Teržan B. (2003); K. Nagler-Zanier (2005).
125 Palavestra 1993, 63-64; Blečić 2009. 124 Cf. Sacken 1879; Benndorf 1880.
126 Palavestra 1993, 63, 280; Negroni Catacchio et al. 2006, 1444-1449, 1453-1454, 125 Palavestra 1993, 63-64; Blečić 2009.
126 Palavestra 1993, 63, 280; Negroni Catacchio et al. 2006, 1444-1449, 1453-1454,
Fig. 1; Negroni Catacchio 2003, 456, Fig. 1A.
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