Page 78 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 78
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 78 a estetski jasno definiranog izričaja, izdvojene su u za- earrings out of which 12 examples come from Osor
seban, kvarnerski tip naušnica. (Fig. 28). Since they were all produced with almost iden-
tical techniques of manufacture and aesthetic clearly
Osorske su naušnice zanimljive u prvome redu zbog defined expression, they were recognized as a separate,
izvedbi i u bronci i u srebru, čime dakako odstupaju Kvarner type of earrings.
od ostalih nalazišta u regiji. Ipak, niti jedna osorska na-
ušnica nije na svojim krajevima ukrašavana, što je od- Earrings from Osor are interesting primarily due to
lika nekolicine poznatih parova. Stoga ih prema nači- elaboration in bronze and silver, differing from other
nu ukrašavanja razlikujemo dvama varijantama; prvu sites in the region. However, none of the earrings from
ili tip Kvarner I obilježavaju naušnice s urezanim sno- Osor was decorated at its ends, which is a feature of sev-
povima linija i pridodanim zrnima iz Kastva, Triblja i eral known pairs. Therefore they could be according to
Krka (sl. 29B), dok drugu varijantu, tip Kvarner II, ba- their decoration distinguished in to two variants; first
rem trenutnim poznavanjem, obilježavaju naušnice iz or Kvarner I type are earrings with incised sheaves of
Grobnika, Osora (sl. 25B; 28) i Novalje koje nisu do- lines and attached beads from Kastav, Tribalj and Krk
datno ukrašavane.111 Shodno tomu, njihova se proi- (Fig. 29B), while the second variant, Kvarner II type, ac-
zvodnja može tražiti negdje na prostoru priobalnog cording to present knowledge mark the not addition-
ali i otočnog dijela Kvarnera, pri čemu Osor odskače ally decorated earrings from Grobnik, Osor (Fig. 25B;
kako zbog količine tako i zbog različitosti korištenja 28) and Novalja.111 Consequently, we could look for
materijala (sl. 28; 30). their production centre somewhere in the coastal area
or on the islands where Osor stands out because of the
Primjerci naušnica koji su poznati iz Grobnika nađe- amount of finds as well as the diversity of the materials
ni su u grobu ovješeni o fibulu tipa Certosa Xh varijan- used (Fig. 28; 30).
te (sl. 25B), uz pomoć koje je, makar dijelom, i njihova
uporaba datirana do kraja 4. ili početnog 3. st. pr. Kr.112 Examples of earrings known from Grobnik were
Međutim, istaknuti treba i poznati primjerak srebrne found in a grave suspended on a Certosa type fibula of
fibule tipa Baška iz istoimene ostave, ukrašene, pored Xh variant (Fig. 25B). With the help of the later, at least
ostalih dodataka, i s velikim, srebrnim kolutastim na- partly, their use could be dated to the end of the 4th or
ušnicama na kojima su se nalazila nanizana jantarna the initial 3rd cent. BC.112
zrna.113 Toj grupi naušnica/sljepoočničarki možda tre-
However we should put forward the famous silver fib-
111 Usp. Glogović 1989, 34-35, T. 118, 5-6, 7-8, 11, 14; Glogović 1991, 19, T. 1, 3; Blečić ula of Baška type from the hoard of the same name
2002, 84, T. 1, 3.1; T. 7, 3.2.-3.3, sl. 12.
111 Cf. Glogović 1989, 34-35, T. 118, 5-6, 7-8, 11, 14; Glogović 1991, 19, T. 1, 3; Blečić
112 Blečić 2004, 84. 2002, 84, T. 1, 3.1; T. 7, 3.2.-3.3, sl. 12.
113 Izvornu skicu fibule, povijesne fotografije i detaljan opis koje je izradio sam M.
112 Blečić 2004, 84.
Abramić, iz arhiva NHMW donosi B. Mader (2006, 240-245, Abb. 1-3). Fo-
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