Page 82 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 82
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 82 hova gotovo dvostruko veća veličina. Promatrano pak 29A).117 This pair of earrings in an exception in Kvarner
stilski i u skladu s obrtničkim rješenjima ostalih pri- - in fact according to manufacture and decorating prin-
mjeraka sasvim jasno pokazuju obilježja mjesne zanat- ciple they do not stand out but their size is almost the
ske prepoznatljivosti. Pitanje dobavljanja luksuznih i double. Observed through a stylistic perspective and in
skupih materijala, kao što je srebro ili jantar, dodatno accordance with the manufacturing solutions of oth-
pospješuju tezu o statusu kojeg je Osor unutar posred- er examples they clearly exhibit the characteristics of
ničkih i trgovačko-gospodarskih odnosa nesumnjivo a local manufacture. The issue of supplying luxurious
morao imati. and expensive materials, such as silver or amber, further
promotes the thesis about the status Osor undoubted-
S druge strane, još je jedan poznati tip naušnice i/ili ly had within the intermediary and trading/economic
sljepoočničarke s trakasto raskovanim i »S« povije- relations.
nim jednim krajem koji potječe iz Osora.118 Ta nauš-
nica ima najbliže paralele kod brončanih primjeraka On the other hand, another type of earrings and/
s Krasa, iz Škocjana-Ponikve i Socerba,119 ali i kod sre- or temporal rings with band shaped forged and »S«
brnih primjeraka iz Nezakcija.120 Najpreciznije su da- shape curved end comes from Osor.118 This earring has
tirane u Este i to u vrijeme od 5. do 3. st. pr. Kr.121 Grupi the closest analogies in examples from the Karst, from
nalaza vjerojatno treba pribrojiti i primjerak iz Baške, Škocjan-Ponikve and Socerb,119 but also with silver ex-
grob 3, koji je nađen s velikom, srebrnom fibulom tipa amples from Nesactium.120 They are precisely dated in
Baška,122 čime posredno potvrđuje njezinu dataciju do Este to the period from the 5th to the 3rd cent. BC.121 To
u 3. st. pr. Kr. the group of finds should be added an example from
Baška, grave 3, which was discovered with a large silver
Iako svojstveno ženama, misli se da isticanje, pokazi- fibula of Baška type122 which also indirectly confirms it’s
vanje ili čak samo posjedovanje naušnica, osobito ako dating to the 3rd cent. BC.
su izrađene od plemenitih materijala ima neposrednu
ulogu izricanja superiornog, uzvišenog, svetog i bo- Although peculiar for females, it is considered that
žanskog.123 Razumljivim će stoga biti da su samo izni- the promotion, demonstration and even the position
mne žene na Kvarneru mogle nositi velike naušnice/
117 Represents, unfortunately, an individual find from Krk in the private collecti-
118 Glogović 1989, T. 38, 2. on of Italo Samblich (Buršić-Matijašić 2011, 14; cf. Blečić Kavur, 2010, 306-307,
119 U Socerbu je nađeno više primjeraka takvih naušnica, a na jednoj se nalazila i k. 413, sl. 228).

plava staklena perla (Crismani, Righi 2002, 75, Fig. 59-63). 118 Glogović 1989, T. 38, 2.
120 Mihovilić 1995a, 89-90, T. 5-6. 119 In Socerb were discovered several examples these type of earrings and on one
121 Capuis, Chieco Bianchi 2006, T. 123.
122 Lo Schiavo 1970, T. XXIV, 11; Mader 2006, 255, Abb. 14. was attached a blue glass bead (Crismani, Righi 2002, 75, Fig. 59-63).
123 O tim temama vidjeti iscrpno kod B. Teržan (2003); K. Nagler-Zanier (2005). 120 Mihovilić 1995a, 89-90, T. 5-6.
121 Capuis, Chieco Bianchi 2006, T. 123.
122 Lo Schiavo 1970, T. XXIV, 11; Mader 2006, 255, Abb. 14.
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