Page 86 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 86
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 86 raskošnim ogrlicama od jantara koje su se obogaćiva- Given that amount of beads, precious in itself, the ex-
le raznim načinima nošnje, bilo u paru s većim brojem amples from Osor should most likely belong to elabo-
brončanih ogrlica, odnosno u bogatom kompletu na- rate necklaces of amber that have enriched the various
kitnog ansambla, s fibulama i privjescima. Kako se jan- modes of attire either in pairs with a larger number of
taru pripisivala apotropejska, profilaktička i magična bronze necklaces or in rich sets of jewellery with fibulae
moć, nosile su se i pojedinačno, najčešće kao amuleti, and pendants. Since amber had attributed apotropaic,
samostalno ili kao dugmeta (sl. 32). prophylactic and magical powers, they were worn indi-
vidually, most often as amulets, individually or as but-
Privjesci tons (Fig. 32).

Istom vremenskom horizontu valja pribrojiti i druge Pendants
oblike sitnih ukrasa ali značajnih vrijednosti. Njima
su kao nositeljima određenih simboličkih informaci- From the same chronological horizon come also other
ja, tj. kao komunikacijskom mediju, uglavnom prida- forms of small ornaments with significant importance.
vali astralno i/ili solarno obilježje, zbog čega su nerijet- They were interpreted as holders of certain symbolic
ko dobivali ulogu amuleta zaštitnika, apotropejskog information, i.e. as a medium of communication which
i profilaktičkog, magičnog i metafizičkog karaktera. had mainly attributed astral and/or solar characteris-
Najbrojniji među njima su privjesci koje razlikujemo tics. Consequently they were often ascribed the role of
kao: okrugle, kuglaste, privjeske u obliku košarica, u protective amulets, of apotropaic and prophylactic, of
obliku bula, alke i druge. magical and metaphysical character. The most numer-
ous among them are pendants which could be divided
Košarasti privjesci as: round, spherical, basket and bulla shaped, rings and
other forms.
Košarasti privjesci sa zaobljenim dnom
Košarasti privjesci su najbrojniji tip privjesaka koji se Basket shaped pendants
predstavlja u više različitih varijanti (sl. 25D; 33-34). Oni
sa zaobljenim dnom pripisuju se nadregionalnoj modi Basket shaped pendants with a rounded bottom
od kraja starijeg i tijekom čitavog mlađeg željeznog Basket shaped pendants are the most numerous types
doba na širokom prostoru europskog kopna. Interpre- of pendants appearing in different variants (Fig. 25D; 33-
tirani su kao jedan od iskaza kulturnih doticaja na ve- 34). Those with a rounded bottom are attributed to the
likim udaljenostima u mlađem halštatskom razdobl- superregional fashion from the late Early and through-
ju značajni za HaD horizont,128 ali koji nisu isključivo out the Late Iron Age on a wide area of the Europe-

128 Teržan 1975, 684; Hiller 1991, 193; Warneke 1999, 128; Teßmann 2007, 687, K. 3. peabody/media/view/Objects/100840/98260?t:state:f low=16a7ec82-
8571-4796-a371-d8155ef66e77, 18. 04. 2014).
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