Page 89 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 89
nom Jadranu i Lici, gdje su također bili vrlo priljubl- polje type,134 which is dated in to the 7th and the early povezanost ... ■ a coherence ... 89
jeni ukrasni predmet.136 6th cent. BC.135 Therefore the slightly older examples
or earlier forms could be linked to the main Liburni-
S obzirom na njihovu zastupljenosti i prostornu rašire- an area from where they spread towards the northern
nost, te dekorativne i zaštitničke male amajlije iz Oso- Adriatic and Lika, were they were also a very popular
ra priželjkivano podržavaju tezu po kojoj su i one bile decorative item.136
dijelom kulturnih procesa jadranske koiné,137 između
golaseškog i venetskog s jedne te liburnskog, odnos- Given their representation and spatial distribution of
no svetolucijskog i dolenjskog kulturnog miljea s dru- these decorative and protective small amulets from
ge strane. Osor it is wished for to support the thesis according
to which they were a part of cultural processes of the
Košarasti privjesci zašiljenog dna Adriatic koiné137 - between the Golasecca and Veneto
Košarasti privjesci sa zašiljenim i s profiliranim dnom on one and Liburnian or St. Lucia and Dolenjska cul-
kronološki predstavljaju nešto mlađu varijantu privje- tural milieu on the other side.
saka i također su krajnje rijetko poznati na području
Kvarnera. U skupinu privjesaka sa zašiljenim (ili ko- Basket shaped pendants with a pointed bottom
ničnim) dnom možemo pribrojiti privjeske iz Osora Basket shaped pendants with a pointed and profiled
(sl. 34B).138 Ističe se svakako najveći privjesakočuvanti- bottom represent a chronologically slightly young-
jelom košarice i dijelom alke. Pozornost privlači upra- er version of pendants and are also extremely rarely in
vo njegova ispuna olovom, presvučena tankim bron- the Kvarner region. Pendants from Osor could be add-
čanim limom s okruglom perforacijom u gornjem ed in to this group (Fig. 34B).138 The emphasis is defi-
dijelu tijela košarice. Takve i slične privjeske poznaje- nitely on the biggest pendant with a preserved body of
mo kao još jedan od oblika karakterističnih za prostor the basket and a part of the ring. Attention is drawn to
jugoistočnog alpskog prostora svetolucijske ili dolenj- the fact that it is filled with lead, coated with a thin lay-
ske kulturne skupine gdje su rasprostranjeni u naj- er of bronze and with a circular perforation in the up-
većem broju.139 Jednako, sasvim su dobro potvrđeni i per part of the baskets. Such and similar pendants are
u Furlaniji, Carniji i na području Veneta.140 Međutim, known as one of the forms characteristic for the area
najsrodniji primjerak, također s perforacijom u gorn- of the south-eastern Alps – the territory of St. Lucia
and Dolenjska cultural groups where they are most
136 Hiller 1991, 193; usp. Teßmann 2007.
137 Peroni 1973, 72. 134 Batović 1990, T. XX, 2; Blečić Kavur 2009, 239, sl. 5, 10; 6.
138 Marchesetti 1924, Fig. 24; usp. Blečić Kavur 2010, T. 51, 853-856. 135 Blečić Kavur 2009, 238, 245-246.
139 Teržan 1975, 684, f.n. 62, T. 11, 25; Warneke 1999, 127-129, Abb. 64; Svetličič 1997, 136 Hiller 1991, 193; cf. Teßmann 2007.
137 Peroni 1973, 72.
35-36, sl. 17. 138 Marchesetti 1924, Fig. 24; cf. Blečić Kavur 2010, T. 51, 853-856.
140 Crismani, Righi 2002, 80-81, Fig. 116-117.
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