Page 94 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 94
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 94 sitelje.159 No, kao i kod Japoda, tako su i u jugoistočno- of other finds, considered for similar bullae from graves
alpskom prostoru male brončane bule takvog tipa bile 2 and 3 in Vičja Luka on the island of Brač.157 It was the
značajne za kraj 5. i prvu polovicu 4. st. pr. Kr., najčeš- bullae that precisely marked the Japodian costume of
će povezivane uz negovski horizont Dolenjske što je the Early Iron Age158 and which were considered as be-
učinjeno i za srodne primjerke iz Istre.160 Njima se, kao ing used as amulets with particularly strong prophylac-
i primjerku iz Osora, ipak najbliže paralele mogu naći tic properties, medicinal and tutelary power for their
u japodskom i viničkom kulturnom prostoru u raspo- holders.159 However in the Japodian territory as well as
nu od 5. do 3. st. pr. Kr. in the south-eastern Alpine area such small bronze bul-
lae of this type were significant for the end of the 5th and
Privjesak u obliku ribljeg repa the first half of the 4th cent. BC usually linked with the
Negova horizon in Dolenjska, as it was done and for
Osorski brončani privjesak u obliku ribljeg repa na- the related examples from Istria.160 They had, as also the
glašeno je uvijenijih repova, velikog središnjeg prstena bulla from Osor, the closest parallels on the Japodian
i trokutasto profiliranog tijela (sl. 35B).161 Privjesci toga and in Vinica cultural area ranging from the 5th to the
tipa obilježili su kulture južno od Alpa,162 na prosto- 3rd cent. BC.
ru golaseške kulture163 i kultura jugoistočnog alpskog
prostora (sl. 36). Na sjevernom Jadranu predstavljaju Pendant in the shape of a fish tail
također izniman nalaz i zasad ih, pored Osora, pozna-
jemo jedino iz Nezakcija.164 Pridružiti im valja i privje- The bronze pendant in the shape of a fish tail from
sak iz japodskog zaleđa, iz nekropole Kompolja.165 Osor has accentuated curled tails, a large central ring
and a triangularly profiled body (Fig. 35B).161 Pendants
Iz dosadašnjih istraživanja saznajemo kako se varijan- of this type were characteristic for the cultures south
te takvih privjesaka nalaze pojedinačno ili u kompletu of the Alps,162 the area of the Golasecca culture163 and
s drugim predmetima. Zbog toga su nam poznati kao the cultures of the south-eastern Alpine area (Fig. 36).
ukrasi na klinei (Hochdorf), na situlama (Este) i cista- In the northern Adriatic the represent an exceptional
discovery and are for now in addition to Osor known

159 Balen-Letunić 2009, 227, 231. 157 Marović, Nikolanci 1969, 50, sl. 3, 5; 6, 2; cf. Glogović 19782, 38; Blečić Kavur
160 Mihovilić 2013, 256. 2010, sl. 171; Blečić Kavur, Pravidur 2012, sl. 12, 7.
161 Glogović 1982, 38, T. 3, 2; Glogović 1989, 35, T. 39, 2; Blečić Kavur 2014a, 34. Ko-
158 Balen-Letunić 2009, 226-227.
rištena je terminologija R. De Marinisa – coda di pesce (De Marinis 2000), koja 159 Balen-Letunić 2009, 227, 231.
tipološki odgovara varijanti B prema T. Warnekeu (Warneke 1999, 96). 160 Mihovilić 2013, 256.
162 Warneke 1999, Abb. 47, B. 161 Glogović 1982, 38, T 3, 2; Glogović 1989, 35, T. 39, 2; Blečić Kavur 2014, 34. Used
163 De Marinis 2000, 387.
164 Mihovilić 1996, T. II, 29. was the terminology of R. De Marinis – coda di pesce (De Marinis 2000) whi-
165 Hiller 1991, 192, Abb. 49K. Grobna cjelina koju navodi G. Hiller nije pouzdana ch typological corresponding with variant B after T. Warneke (Warneke 1999,
niti potvrđena stanjem nalaza u Japodskoj zbirci AMZ, gdje se privjesci toga 96).
tipa nalaze, ali potječu iz nepouzdanih konteksta. 162 Warneke 1999, Abb. 47, B.
163 De Marinis 2000, 387.
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