Page 93 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 93
mjerice, samo na ogrlici iz groba 66(9) poznato čak Bulla povezanost ... ■ a coherence ... 93
19 komada.151 Nezanemariv broj sličnih bula potječe i
iz pokupske Vinice.152 Iz grobova u ličkom Smiljanu Furthermore is interesting a pendant in the form of
potječe 20-ak istih primjeraka izrađenih od jantara,153 a bulla (Fig. 35A). Round in shape it was made of two
a takvi su se također nosili pojedinačno ili nanizani na bronze sheets with doomed cross-sections connect-
ogrlicama.154 ed in the middle with a rivet. On the body it has a re-
lief decoration consisting of concentric circles made
Nakitni predmeti u obliku bule, iz raznih materija- in the repoussé technique. Related examples are known
la i različitih formi univerzalni su nakitni element from Japodian Kompolje where they were19 pieces dis-
čitavog jadranskog bazena tijekom starijeg željeznog covered only on the necklace from the grave 66 (9).151 A
doba.155 Iz tog su razloga bule i izdvojene kao predstav- substantial number of similar bullae come from Vini-
nici karakterističnih formi jadranske koiné od Picena ca.152 In the graves in the necropolis of Smiljan in Lika
i Este do prostora Donje Doline i Sanskog Mosta.156 were discovered some 20 examples of the same form
Međutim, s obzirom na izveden ukras kao i dimenzi- made from amber.153 Such pendants were worn individ-
je samog osorskog privjeska uže ga možemo poveza- ually or more of them forming a necklace.154
ti uz japodsku kulturnu baštinu, što bi se, s obzirom
na kontekst ostalih nalaza materijalne kulture, moglo Jewelry in the form of the bulla made from a variety of
učiniti i za slične primjerke bula iz grobova 2 i 3 u Vič- materials and in various forms is a universal decoration
joj luci na Braču.157 Naime, bule su upravo obilježile ja- element in the whole Adriatic basin during the Ear-
podsku nošnju starijeg željeznog doba,158 koje su, misli ly Iron Age.155 Consequently the bullae were also dis-
se, služile kao amuleti posebno snažnih profilaktičkih cussed as representatives of the characteristic shape of
svojstava, ljekovitih i zaštitničkih moći za njihove no- the Adriatic koiné from Picenum and Este to the area
of Donja Dolina and Sanski Most.156 However, with re-
151 Drechsler-Bižić 1959, 254, sl. 20; Drechsler-Bižić 1961, T. VIII, 1; Balen-Letunić gard to the decoration and dimensions the Osor pen-
2009, 226, Fig. 1, 1. dant, it could be closely related with the Japodian cul-
tural heritage. The same could be, due to the context
152 PMAEH inv. nr: 40-77-40/10686; 40-77-40/10684 i dr. (http://pmem.unix.
f a s . h a r va rd . edu :8080/pe a bod y/med ia /v ie w/Objec t s/9 7663/161816? t:s t ate:f 151 Drechsler-Bižić 1959, 254, sl. 20; Drechsler-Bižić 1961, T. VIII, 1; Balen-Letunić
low= d a61a ad 8 -3513-4 8d9 -be 73- 0666d f f 5 45 2 8;­ht t p://pmem .­u n i x .­f a s .­h a r va rd .­ 2009, 226, Fig. 1, 1.
te:flow=75f40197-06c0-45a6-b7be-93c49b8bdf6e; 18. 04. 2014). 152 PMAEH inv. no: 40-77-40/10686; 40-77-40/10684 i dr. (http://pmem.unix.
f a s . h a r va rd . edu :8080/pe a bod y/med ia /v ie w/Objec t s/9 7663/161816? t:s t ate:f
153 Hoffiller 1905, sl. 27, 18; Palavestra 1993, tip 60A: 69-70, 212. low= d a61a ad 8 -3513-4 8d9 -be 73- 0666d f f 5 45 2 8; ht t p://pmem .u n i x . f a s . h a r va rd .
154 Bakarić 2004, 109, sl. 148; 149; Bakarić 2006, 74, 156, k. 88. edu:8080/peabody/view/objects/asitem/search$0040/512/title-desc?t:sta-
155 Hiller 1991, 184; Palavestra 1993, tip 48; 60a: 209; 212. te:flow=75f40197-06c0-45a6-b7be-93c49b8bdf6e; 18. 04. 2014).
156 Peroni 1973, 74, Fig. 23: 10; usp. Mihovilić 2013, 256, sl. 179.
157 Marović, Nikolanci 1969, 50, sl. 3, 5; 6, 2; usp. Glogović 19782, 38; Blečić Kavur 153 Hoffiller 1905, sl. 27, 18; Palavestra 1993, tip 60A: 69-70, 212.
154 Bakarić 2004, 109, sl. 148; 149; Bakarić 2006, 74, 156, k. 88.
2010, sl. 171; Blečić Kavur, Pravidur 2012, sl. 12, 7. 155 Hiller 1991, 184; Palavestra 1993, tip 48; 60a: 209; 212.
158 Balen-Letunić 2009, 226-227. 156 Peroni 1973, 74, Fig. 23: 10; cf. Mihovilić 2013, 256, sl. 179.
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