Page 29 - Pelc, Stanko, ed., 2015. Spatial, social and economic factors of marginalization in the changing global context. Koper, University of Primorska Press.
P. 29
h production costs primarily from compost making and weed 2015 conference of igu commission 27
removal. Organic tea plantations are strongly impacted by general
wage increases in the Sri Lankan tea industry due to their labor-in-
tensive nature, but are not able to earn profits that are commen-
surate with these rising wages. The fact that attracting buyers from
developed countries has not been as easy as initially envisioned,
and that prices have not risen as anticipated are primary factors of
this problem. If the current situation persists, not only is the num-
ber of organic tea farms unlikely to grow, but the survival of exist-
ing certified organic tea farms may be at risk.

De-marginalization and church property:
the case of Czechia
Dr. Tomáš Havlíček
Charles University in Prague
Albertov 6, CZ-12843 Prague, Czech Republic
De-marginalization, church property, Czech Republic, local government
It is interesting to note how developments on the topic of prop-
erty restitution are closely followed by the media and – through
the media – by the majority of population, at least, as long as
“something interesting is happening” (e.g. a new settlement pro-
posal is brought forward). Most of the time, however, property
settlement between the state and the churches along with its im-
pacts on regional development remains outside of the interest of
mainstream media and, consequently, outside of the public inter-
est as well. In spite of the fact that it is one of the more signifi-
cant processes taking place as part of the post-totalitarian trans-
formation of Czech society and its position as a visible indicator
of Czechia’s ability to come to terms with its own past; resolv-
ing this sticky situation is only becoming more complicated with
the passage of time, particularly considering the spiritual devel-
opment of Czech society.
Property settlement between the state and the effected church-
es is not a simple issue confined only to the subjects involved. Lo-
cal self-governing authorities, i.e. municipalities, and to a lesser de-
gree regions and private entities are important stakeholders, in that
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