Page 30 - Pelc, Stanko, ed., 2015. Spatial, social and economic factors of marginalization in the changing global context. Koper, University of Primorska Press.
P. 30
tial, social, and economic factors of marginalization in the changing global context 28 they either use – or would like to use – blocked properties. Not on-
ly does the block on church properties result in a stagnation in de-
velopment – infrastructure and new construction, it also brings a
series of associated effects, which prevent or hinder the natural so-
cio-economic development of a given territory. Consequently, the
influx of young families with children was limited, which in turn led
to increases in the portion of older residents. In connection with
the low number of children in the municipality, the local elemen-
tary school was closed down. The churches can be viewed as pas-
sive stakeholders due to the fact that they have never made an offi-
cial proposal or request for settlement of the outstanding property
issues. Instead, the churches have waited for the state to initiate
negotiations. In contrast, impacted municipalities can be designat-
ed active stakeholders, which initiate and actively promote actions
leading to eventual settlement of the matter.

Aquaculture system among small farmers in Khulna
Dr. Firuza Begham Mustafa
Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
Aquaculture, management, Khulna, farmers
Pond management is one of the most critical aspects in aquaculture
production especially among the small farmers.. The mass produc-
tion of aquatic species need a systematic approach starting from the
selection of species and seeds, pond preparation, equipment, wa-
ter management, feeding schedule, material, maintenance etcetera.
This paper focuses on the pond management among small farmers
in Khulna Bangladesh. The analysis covers (i) farming system, (ii)
pond preparation, (iii) seedling/broodstock/fry (iv) feeding man-
agement, (v) water management and (vi) stocking and harvesting.
The Giant Freshwater Prawn Macrobachium rosenbergii farming in
Khulna is barely have adopted on modern farming technology, yet is
very sustainable and environmental friendly. The farmers prefer to
produce shrimp rather than paddy. Indicate they satisfied with their
cultivation output. Despite having small size of ponds, farmers are
producing and earn sufficient to run the family and have succeeded
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