Page 163 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 163
Getting to know wine

as Klarnica, Poljšakica and Pergulin. Poljšakica was grown by Poljšak in Šmarje, but
its true origin is not known.

Above the villages at the foot of the Trnovo plateau, where
the soil is poorer but still sufficiently rich for grapevines,
are the remains of an old Roman road that led from Italy to
Pannonia, as well as of Roman fortifications, wells and of
even older archaeological traces. The church in Vrtovin has
a gold Baroque altar that is approximately three hundred
years old. In the middle of the valley, on a small hill, there
is the medieval town of Vipavski Križ with a monastery
whose extensive library has been preserved. In 1482, the
counts of Gorizia surrounded the town with a strong wall.
In 1507, it obtained the rights of a market town, while in
1632 Emperor Ferdinand elevated it into a proper town.

The richly carved, decorated and gold In Ajdovščina, where by the river Fluvium frigidum (the
filigree altar from the 17th century in present-day River Hubelj) there was an important Roman
the church in Podbrdo near Podnanos, fortress, can still be found the remains of the Roman walls.
2006. Photo: Staša Cafuta. The parish church has interesting 18th century paintings
by Anton Čebej. The artist also painted other churches
in the area, such as the one in Dobravlje. The main wine
cellar is in Vipava, where there is also the famous Lanthieri
Castle. Vipava was a town as early as the Middle Ages. In
Valvasor’s book there is a picture of the town’s coat-of-arms,
displaying a grapevine and grapes, the image that is now
used by the Vipava municipality and the wine cellar as
their trade mark. In 1894, the first wine cooperative in
Carniola was established in Vipava.

The Lower Vipava wine route runs between Branik and
the Italian border, crossing the strongest winegrowing part
of the Vipava Valley with the villages of Branik, Preserje,
Dornberk, Zalošče, Prvačina and Biljenski griči. Here, too,
there are many interesting sites that are worth visiting,
such as Rihenberg Castle in Branik with its striking round
tower. It was first mentioned in 1230 as the property of
the Brixen bishops, and later became the property of the
Gorizia counts, the Habsburgs and the Lanthieri family.

The villages of Tabor above Dornberk and Gradišče, where
the poet Josip Gregorčič lived and worked, are both fortified. In Dornberk there is an unusual
enlarged parish church with new paintings, in Vitovlje the church of St. Peter from the
13th century, built above the pre-historic burial ground and the later defence encampment
against the Turks. Kromberk boasts a well-preserved and nicely renovated castle, housing
the Gorica Museum. The slopes behind the castle slowly rise to the Trnovo plateau, where
there are the remains of trenches from World War One and the well-known Škabrijel Hill.

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