Page 162 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 162
he Culture of Wine in Slovenia

A special locality on Pasji rep is Tercelj. The succursal church in Podbrdje boasts of a gold
filigree altar from 1657, the pillars of which are decorated with vines and grapes. With regard
to Podraga, Valvasor wrote that its wines are “not bad”. The village of Lože has Leutenberg
Castle, built in the 12th century and later rebuilt by Count Kobencelj.

On the way from Lože to Slap stands a single-arch bridge from 1803 bearing a plaque with
writing in the Bohorič alphabet. In Slap, there is a manor house where in 1878 the first
Slovene agricultural school was established, which was later moved to Novo mesto. With
regard to the wine from Slap, Valvasor made a rather romantic comment: “The teardrops
of the vineyard in Slap near Lože are even more delicious.”39

The church in Branik and an old outhouse
in Goče, 2006. Photos: Staša Cafuta.

Above Lože, are the villages of Goče and Erzelj. The former is an old village with charac-
teristic narrow streets, an interesting church and approximately sixty vaulted wine cellars.
The village is under heritage protection.

Planina is a high-lying village with beautifully elongated vineyards, producing excellent
wines. Vertovec worked here before he was transferred to become a priest in Šentvid. Each
November walkers organise an open day and a hike to Vertovec’s birthplace Šmarje. Brje is
another elongated, high-lying village where winegrowers still cultivate old varieties such

39 Valvasor, 1984, p. 50

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