Page 236 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 236
he Culture of Wine in Slovenia

It is also my opinion that wine should remain agricultural produce preserving all romantic
charms and mysteries.
The richness of Slovene wines lies in their variety. It is the result of natural features and
love of a wine producer who has created this variety and will continue it. The wine reflects
thousands of years of creative efforts invested by man in order to achieve an infinite number
of flavours and odours. The wine deserves our respect. And if a man respects something,
he behaves accordingly.
Man will respect wine if he knows its origin and the reason of its existence from antiquity
on. Written evidence proves that in the Middle Ages wine grape was cultivated on the whole
territory of today's Slovenia. Forests were cleared on hill slopes, and wine grape was planted
instead. These were the so-called »gorice« vineyards governed by specific rules. The vineyard
rights are the specific form of legal rights. The »gorice« case represents the topmost of the
Slovene popular justice kept until the 19th century. In 1584, the archduke Karel confirmed
the vineyard code for inner Austria which was written in the Slovene language. This was
the first governmental paper issued in Slovene.

The perennial uncovering of wine’s secrets. Dr Dušan Terčelj in Stanko Čurin’s cellar at Kog, 2003.
Photo: Boris Farič, photo library of the Ptuj Regional Museum.

The expansion of trade and demands for a better quality of wine resulted in the shrinking
of vineyards in the flatland, and their development on slopes favourable to the wine grow-
ing. These slopes have always been, even today, planted with top quality grape varieties.

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