Page 238 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 238
he Culture of Wine in Slovenia

Tourist wine roads and farms represent an important economic element because of the
direct link between tourism and wine production. The true sense of a wine road lies in the
fact that wine is offered and sold as cultural goods and not only as agricultural produce.
Moreover, it is sold at the very spot of production. In this way, a tourist has an opportunity
to experience a wine-growing region in all its various aspects, and to get to know a wine
producer in his own cultural environment. It is expected that this is the right way to pre-
serve the existence and genuineness of wine-growing regions, especially in hilly and far
distant areas; to renovate villages in these areas, and to stop the shrinking of wine-growing
surfaces in order to preserve beauties of our countryside. In Slovenia, there are 20 registered
tourist-wine roads, all described with their particularities and characteristics.
The description of wine trade and catering shows that the two have been well developed
through centuries, since their very beginning.

Sandra Vučko, Wine Queen of Slovenia 2015. Photo: Aleš Gačnik.

International standards are taken into account when talking about wine and food, although
nowadays a growing liberty in behaviour often clashes with well established standards in
every field of life. It is quite a natural consenquence that general liberty affects the wine
consumption by breaking well-known patterns. It is up to every individual to find wine
which matches a dish and pleases the mouth.

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