Page 55 - Pelc, Stanko, and Miha Koderman, eds., 2016. Regional development, sustainability, and marginalization. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 55
dence, the institute’s staff has prepared a large variety of ba- 2016 conference of igu commission 53
sic geographical works on Slovenia as an independent country, in
cooperation with other Slovenian geographers. These include na-
tional, world, school, and census atlases, a dictionary of geograph-
ical terminology, a lexicon of Slovenian place names, and a region-
al and general monograph. The institute participates in numerous
projects in Slovenia and abroad, organizes academic conferences,
trains junior researchers, and participates in professional exchang-
es. In the past ten years, the institute’s research team has published
over 3,000 bibliographic units and made over 500 presentations at
conferences in Slovenia and abroad.
The institute has nine organizational units: the Department of Phys-
ical Geography, the Department of Human Geography, the De-
partment of Regional Geography, the Department of Natural
Disasters, the Department of Environmental Protection, the De-
partment of Geographic Information Systems, the Department of
Thematic Cartography, the Geographical Museum, and the Geo-
graphical Library. The institute also houses cartographic and geo-
graphical collections, and is the headquarters of the Commission
for the Standardization of Geographical Names of the Government
of the Republic of Slovenia (Komisija za standardizacijo zemljepisnih
imen Vlade Republike Slovenije).
The institute issues five scholarly publications. Geografija Sloveni-
je (Geography of Slovenia) and Georitem (Georhythm) are series
of volumes in Slovenian that appear several times a year. Acta ge-
ographica Slovenica is a journal published twice a year in English
and Slovenian. The articles can be downloaded in Slovenian or Eng-
lish from the institute’s homepage ( Vol-
umes in the series GIS v Sloveniji (GIS in Slovenia) are published in
even years, volumes in the series Regionalni razvoj (Regional De-
velopment) in odd years, and volumes in the series Naravne nes-
reče (Natural hazards) every third year. The monographs are pub-
lished in Slovenian with English summaries.
sic geographical works on Slovenia as an independent country, in
cooperation with other Slovenian geographers. These include na-
tional, world, school, and census atlases, a dictionary of geograph-
ical terminology, a lexicon of Slovenian place names, and a region-
al and general monograph. The institute participates in numerous
projects in Slovenia and abroad, organizes academic conferences,
trains junior researchers, and participates in professional exchang-
es. In the past ten years, the institute’s research team has published
over 3,000 bibliographic units and made over 500 presentations at
conferences in Slovenia and abroad.
The institute has nine organizational units: the Department of Phys-
ical Geography, the Department of Human Geography, the De-
partment of Regional Geography, the Department of Natural
Disasters, the Department of Environmental Protection, the De-
partment of Geographic Information Systems, the Department of
Thematic Cartography, the Geographical Museum, and the Geo-
graphical Library. The institute also houses cartographic and geo-
graphical collections, and is the headquarters of the Commission
for the Standardization of Geographical Names of the Government
of the Republic of Slovenia (Komisija za standardizacijo zemljepisnih
imen Vlade Republike Slovenije).
The institute issues five scholarly publications. Geografija Sloveni-
je (Geography of Slovenia) and Georitem (Georhythm) are series
of volumes in Slovenian that appear several times a year. Acta ge-
ographica Slovenica is a journal published twice a year in English
and Slovenian. The articles can be downloaded in Slovenian or Eng-
lish from the institute’s homepage ( Vol-
umes in the series GIS v Sloveniji (GIS in Slovenia) are published in
even years, volumes in the series Regionalni razvoj (Regional De-
velopment) in odd years, and volumes in the series Naravne nes-
reče (Natural hazards) every third year. The monographs are pub-
lished in Slovenian with English summaries.