Page 56 - Pelc, Stanko, and Miha Koderman, eds., 2016. Regional development, sustainability, and marginalization. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 56
ional development, sustainability, and marginalization 54 Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy
of Sciences and Arts – Karst Research Institute
Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije
znanosti in umetnosti – Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa

Address: Titov trg 2, SI-6230 Postojna, Slovenia
Telephone: + 386 5 700 1900
Fax: + 386 5 700 1999

The karst is a distinct feature of Slovenia. Almost half of the coun-
try is karstic with about 8000 caves registered. More than half of
the population is supplied by karst waters. An international term,
»Karst« is derived from the name of Slovenian region Kras, an area
also regarded as the cradle of the scientific discipline of karstology.
Karstology has become a complex multidisciplinary science, cover-
ing a broad range of earth sciences related to the karst. The long
tradition of excellent research and unique position in the centre of
the karst region have established the Institute as one of the most
recognized karstological centres in the world. The karst is the fo-
cus of our research. We study its hydrology, geology, morphology,
ecology, microbiology and speleology as well as the history of our
own science. The institute’s researchers come from various back-
grounds including geology, geography, physics, chemistry, biology,
and microbiology, thus enabling a multidisciplinary approach. Our
research includes field studies, laboratory investigations, and nu-
merical modelling. We conduct basic and applied studies.
The institute hosts a karstological library, one of the most com-
plete of its kind, a laboratory specialized in water chemistry, a ge-
ological laboratory, and a lecture room with modern presentation
The institute’s researchers are enrolled as lecturers in the post-
graduate study of karstology at the University of Nova Gorica.
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