Page 32 - Rezoničnik, Lidija, in Marcello Potocco, ur., 2016. Družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah ▪︎ Social and political processes in modern slavic cultures, languages and literatures. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 32
žbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah 30 and it's idea in a political and cultural way. But, rests of totalitarian­
ism and its intertwinement with a new period, period of capitalism
and consumerism are also seemed. Circle of history of an evil has
been continuing in a new, independent Ukrainian reallity. The nov­
el presents individual and community in this modificated time and
space, it shows us consequences, we are observing nowdays. Con­
sequences are realized in a society without values unitil yesterday,
in a society, which massively migrates in a neighbouring countries
because of a desire for better life, this is also a society without re­
spect for Gypsies, society without care for art. Instead of afore­
mentioned facts has been in a society maintainig insipidity, quickly,
unfairly money-making, bending the rules, lying etc. The novel will
be analysed in a light of stressed cues, which are also discussed in
a Andrukhovych's essays, Дезорієнтація на місцевості (1999) and
Тут похований Фантомас (2015). The article presents also self-ref­
erentiality in a Andrukhovych's literature.
Dr. Janja Volmaier Lubej je doktorica znanosti s področja literarnih
ved (2013) in asistentka za predmetno področje slovenska knji­
ževnost. V študijskem letu 2015/2016 je delovala kot predavatelji­
ca slovenske književnosti s statusom prostovoljke na Univerzi Ivana
Franka v Lvovu. Poučevala je slovenščino na tujih univerzah (Som­
botel, poletni semester 2014/2015; Lodž, 2009/2010, 2010/2011),
organizirala in vodila literarne večere s sodobnimi slovenskimi pi­
satelji in pisateljicami. Udeležuje se mednarodnih znanstvenih in
strokovnih konferenc, piše strokovne in znanstvene prispevke ter
recenzije (Obdobja, Jezik in slovstvo, Slavia Centralis Philological Stu­
dies, Visnik Lvivskogo Universitetu). Soavtorica učbenika S slovenšči­
no po svetu (2013, Znanstvena založba FF Ljubljana), slovarja Ukra­
jinsko-slovenski tematski slovar (2015, Znanstvena založba Univerze
v Lvovu) in prevoda Dvanajst krogov Jurija Andruhoviča (2016, Can­
karjeva založba).
Janja Vollmaier Lubej has a PhD degree in Slovenian literature and is
teaching assistant.
In a school year 2015/2016 she had been lecturing as a volunteer
Slovenian literature at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,
Ukraine. She also was a teacher of Slovenian language at the foreign
universities (Sombotel, summer term 2014/2015; Lodz, 2009/2010,
2010/2011), she was conducting and organising cultural events with
contemporary Slovenian writers. She attends international scientif­
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